
Thank you @steemmeupscotty, I'm the lucky girl this poem is meant for. Brian is the strongest and most insightful man I have ever met, and I feel unbelievably fortunate to have had the time together that we have. It feels way too short, but I focus instead on the minutes and the hours and the days, enjoying every last drop we can squeeze out of it. It's not over yet!

Your comment

hits very close to home

makes me wonder if you're standing near or in one of our shoes? I sincerely hope not, but I am here to listen if that is what you need.

Thank you again for such a kind reply.

Hi @lynncoyle1 :) And thank you for your reply. It's awesome to see the gratitude and appreciation of the present moment you guys so obviously have. What drew me to Brian's poem was something similar that's happened in my fiancee's and my life.

She was diagnosed with an enormous tumour in her left lung back in late December, was fast-tracked to have it removed in January, and has spent extensive time recovering not just from the trauma of the operation, but coming to terms with the huge 'jolt of reality' which came with the whole ordeal.

We waited weeks for the biopsy results since the tumour was so big, measuring 23cm by 23cm by 12cm. Thank goodness the results came back benign. It was classified as a pleural fibroma, an incredibly rare kind, and even more rare to be seen at such a size.

One thing that's come out of this for both of us is the importance of following our bliss, as Joseph Campbell so aptly said. No more corporate job for her. The future's certainly uncertain, but then again it always has been.

While I've also had my own 'challenges' in life and close to death, most of it was of my own making. Charlene's have been on a different level to which I can't compare, but can relate to a degree.

I guess, to sum up, what we've collectively learnt as a couple through this is how important it is to live with passion and compassion, and to stop taking ourselves so damn seriously.

Great to meet you guys! Keep squeezing and enjoying those precious drops of your time together 🌅

Aww @steemmeupscotty, I'm so sorry to hear about you and Charlene's story, but I am so thankful that things seem to be ok with her. I'm even more thankful to read this:

what we've collectively learnt as a couple through this is how important it is to live with passion and compassion, and to stop taking ourselves so damn seriously.

We very quickly realize in times such as these, what is truly important in life, and what is utter nonsense. I sincerely hope that you two have many more years together to enjoy all that is important in life! Have fun, laugh, be silly and most important, love with all your hearts.

It was very nice to meet you as well! Send our best to Charlene (she's not on here, is she?) too! Cheers :)

Thanks so much. I'll pass on your good wishes to her, as soon as she wakes up ;) I've become an early riser throughout all this for some reason or other :) And yeah, she is here @grumpytomatoes but not really active .. fingers crossed she'll have her intro post done and dusted before the weekend is out. I'm gently nudging her to start posting.

I am a member of @newbieresteemday, @helpie and @greetersguild. They all welcome, support and mentor new and not-so-new people here. I also am a member and curate for @asapers whose focus is to "pay it forward" and promote quality unnoticed posts. You and @grumpytomatoes (great name by the way ;) are welcome to join all of them too. They each have a Discord channel that I can give you the links too as well. Let me know if you guys are interested and I'll hook you up :)

I am where I am here because of the awesome communities I have supporting me (and vice versa); they are all an awesome group of people to connect with too.

Awesome! I'll check out said groups for sure and will point Charlene in the right direction. Looks like you've got some good stuff going on 👍🚀 Are you on discord under the same name? I am ☺

Yes, same name #4299. Here are the links as well:
link @newbieresteemday @greetersguild @asapers

I'll watch for Charlene's introduce me post, but tell her (or you can) to drop me a quick discord note when it's out and I'll work whatever magic I can :)

Have an awesome weekend! And like I said before, you are more than welcome to join these groups as well :)

Thank you so much....I am grateful. Back at you for the peace and happiness my friend