Thanks for this post @outerground. Good stuff! I couldn't help but think of this Christopher Hitchens quote as I read through it..
"Look through the Hubble Telescope and let's just see if you can get over what you see. And you want to exchange this for a burning bush?"
Thanks @steemmeupscotty yes ! A great quote. The history of the Universe is so amazing and we're the first generation to really be able to get to see it, know it, touch it. Can you imagine what we could know in 100 years time or a 1000 if we survive ? can you imagine how profoundly different we would be, could be, will be ? if we survive. I would love to see the world in 500 years time. (in the good sci-fi future) not the post-apoc version!!
Yes - it'd be awesome, I'm sure. Even 100 years ago or so, who could've imagined where we are today - tech and science wise.
Otherwise, Huxley and Orwell seemed to foresee the future pretty well, with this bizarre Brave New World/1984 style society we're currently in.
yeah, I often find myself saying ( I can't remember who originated the quote) 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a blueprint !
the question is who is predicting the future now? I remember reading look to windward (culture novels) by Iain M Banks who painted magnificent vistas of other worlds, far more advanced than us, (influenced by asimov and clarke, aldiss) It made star wars look pithy (and l love Star Wars) .. if anything in Banks' head is on the horizon for us, it's quite mindboggling ! Pity he's gone :(
Look To Windward here's an extract <<