Good morning steemit, and welcome to a lovely Monday. i hope you get to achieve your projected aims and plans for the day. Go on and have a blast.
So, still on leadership, I'll be discussing on the humility that leaders should possess. Here's the quote for today:
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less -- C. S, Lewis
Wait. A leader be humble? seriously?
Well yes! sure, leaders are strong-willed strong-minded and dynamic people who are always right. Scratch that, they can be occasionally wrong as well, and that's why it's important to be humble, especially in such a situation.
As would-be-leaders,having humility doesn't mean thinking less of ourselves or descending low. Nope, it's about being down-to-earth enough to hold conversations that allows others to confront the truth rather than skirting diplomatically around it.
The trouble with humility is that if you think you already have it, you most likely don't. The team doesn't exist to worship the leader and the leader realizes that.
Can i teach you humility? i think not! but i could show you the characteristics of humility in a person, and how that person would behave.
They are genuinely open to the views of others: Humble people don't push down the opinions of others. rather, they investigate it and see if it's better than theirs. what's more, they willingly give ground once they realize this is so.
Humble people concede when they realize they were wrong. So many people around the world hate to be seen as wrong. they see winning as a preferably way to establish truth. But it doesn't always have to be so. One should learn to accept the superior views of others and as well admit to being wrong.
Humble people are ready to roll up their sleeves with the rest. If everyone's under pressure, then they'll play their part in getting things done.
Humble people don't equate possessions to worth. It doesn't matter what others may have, or even what they have themselves. A human of humility realizes that true worth comes from one's Integrity, skill, character and composure in dealings engagement with people.
Humble people are gracious when praised. They're secure enough to understand and reckon that every skill they have can be outperformed by someone else out there, and they are comfortable with that and wouldn't let the praises get to their heads.
Humble people treat others with respect. Just because they're up there doesn't make them look down on people as if they were nothing. Also, they don't let their opinions take precedence over other people, and that has to count for something.
But of course, reading all of that, i should stress that Humility isn't the same as being a wimp. Strong-willed people get to be humble too. Humility brings reality right into where you are, and constantly reminds you that others deserve to be heard too, regardless of status. For leaders, what it affords us is the 'clear-headedness' that allows us take a decision that isn't beclouded by a sense of pride and haughtiness...
Be like the bamboo, the higher and stronger you grow, the more willingly you bow
Be humble!
Thank you for reading.
Blog contributor: @pangoli
Thoughtful post, great work
thx! i really like that quote and these are great reminders you write about :)
Most of us in life, have wonderful thoughts about people, but these people never knew it. Too many of us tend to be tight-fisted with our praise and accolades. It’s of no value if all you do think; then it becomes a valuable experience when being imparted. I believe we will have one or two things to learn in the above and my prayer is that God will put in us the spirit to appreciate one another wholeheartedly. Thank you for sharing @steemnaira