I think your bottomless statement suggested by a channeled energy might have endless wisdom in it ;-)
What I think is being suggested is to consider NOT to always go the next better feeling in any given moment - but to consider holding the moment to see if there is some growth potential in it. That however suggests that we are here to growth emotionally, spiritually etc. which might not be such an outrageous notion as ongoing growth is what seems we are surrounded with on many levels.
It's not necessarily that the PPS suggests that people are lying to themselves but rather that they give into a suggested obsession with positivity rather than accepting the shadows in the more negative moments and the possible opportunity to growth with them instead of just making them come back when the next opportunity arises.
In a sense it opens the question up if we grow better or faster by accepting and integrating our own shadows more often than we seem to be willing to do.
From a voluntarist perspective one could argue it is merely a choice that anybody can make as each one of us is dealing with the consequences of our own choices and there is intrinsically nothing wrong about that in a bottomless philosophy ;-)
And what if feeling negative, or feeling positive are just choices? Nothing better or worse than any other choice. What if every thing in our reality has no value except what we place on it? What if it was as simple as a choice? Do I want to feel great or do I want to feel down.
“The mind is a universe and can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”
― John Milton
Makes a lot of sense to me. In this context it might be the decision to deal or not or never with whatever might trigger a negative state using PPS - if it holds merit to exist as a syndrome at all ;-)
If we support and accept free will - then we also have to be consequent and accept the consequences of our respective choices about how we feel ;-)
I agree with John Milton.