
If you think my comment is not worthy, I'm sorry but it was a nice comment in my opinion

On Steemit you show appreciation with a vote, which pays the author something. Comments are to engage in discussion. I've seen 'nice post' comments get flagged. I just wrote a post about this.

Something feels very Eliza'ish about this comment thread.

:) We know there are bots on Steemit. Some of them may pass the Turing test. I'm tempted to write one that responds to comments I might consider to be spam, at least on my own posts. I can foresee this becoming more of an issue should Steemit reach millions of users.

So what do you think about the other people who frequently use the nice post

It looks as if they are just trying to get attention and may not even have read the post. I can check their profile to see if they do it all the time. I would consider muting that person as they are not doing anything of value. Steemit is all about value. That's my opinion. Others may think differently.