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RE: Living through history - where were you on 9/11?

in #life8 years ago

I was working at the office of a UK TV station, so it was on the screens around the office. I was in a separate room, so didn't realise what had happened initially. I remember the internet slowing to a crawl as everyone tried to find out what was happening. I didn't know anyone directly affected, but friends of friends worked in the Twin Towers.

It did affect me. I was depressed that people could do this. I was quite glad not to be in our regular office which is a tower under the Heathrow flightpaths. The world changed that day.


I hope you and your family were safe a few years later when the London Tube attacks occurred. I remember that day, too. Sad to have our two countries united that way.

We were not affected by that. I work in London, but tend to drive. Most countries have had some sort of attack. It's been France and Belgium more recently. We cannot let these people destroy our lives