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RE: Deadly As The Viper

in #lifelast year

This one made me wince. I've heard of such widgets, but have no idea how they stop you spawning more sproglets.

I seem to remember a Slinky as being fun for a few minutes until you over-stretched or tangled it. Then it was fucked. They were cool for simulating sound waves.


You know, I had no idea how they worked either. Now I have been blessed/cursed with knowing that they deliver some magnet is micro dose of something or other for a long time. If she gets pregnant someone is getting killed.

In my head it helps to imagine them as slinkies, it's easy despite being scary 😀

I get that The Pill is not ideal as it means messing with your hormone balance. I did see a Hive detail his 'snip' recently. That's the permanent fix for procreation.

Yes the snip was am option. I've I was willing to take but it looks like that turkey might have flown down the road at least a little!

Apparently the coil is better hormonally as ladies get older. If I say that out loud and get caught though I'm a dead man!