I was going to mention the rhyme. There was a kids TV show called Magpie that used it as the theme tune. There are various superstitions about the birds
I was going to mention the rhyme. There was a kids TV show called Magpie that used it as the theme tune. There are various superstitions about the birds
I also remeber a kids tv show when I was a child (many many years ago) where there was a magpie with other animals like a big cat and others. I don't remeber if there was an italian tv show or an English tv show (I watched some beautiful english tv show in my childhood, my favorite was Sapphire & Steel ^_^)
Was going to mention The Magpie TV show but you beat me too it. Didn't much care for the show even as a kid but the song still buzzes through my head like it was yesterday.
I was more of a Blue Peter kid :)
Didn't realise the Spencer Davis Group played the theme
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