A Bait!!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


What a day!
Imagine if something like this happened to you...how would you react?
It was a normal day just like every other, I entered the half full bus and sat down on my favorite seat.
There was a lady with her son sitting next to me, chatting on the phone when she realized they just missed the bus stop they were supposed to get off on.
So, she rushed her son, who she apparently gave 50 euros to play with, in order to get off on the next bus stop. He dropped it on the bus seat, and did not have the time to pick it up. Apparently getting off was far more important than the money.
As soon as I realized there was actually money left on the seat it was too late to do anything.
"WOW, this can't be, it's obviously fake"-I thought to myself.
I started doubting that it's real....so I just had to take a picture of it.
I took my phone, went to take a picture of it and then.......aghhhh....."Internal storage is full"-written on my phone. So I hurried to delete everything I could.
I deleted a few pictures and still the same. Deleted a few songs, still, nothing. I was starting to get more and more nervous "What if someone just takes it before I capture it with my phone?"
After a while I was still struggling, when finally I took it. At that moment a woman approached, took the money and went to this little girl, giving her the money saying "She needs it"......
I was smiling and so were that little girl and her mother.

Such a funny situation that happens so rarely, happened to me that day... :D

Thanks for reading and visiting my blog!! <3


What a bait! Fifty (50) euros is about 6,000 RSD/20,500 NGN. That money is slightly above the minimum wage of a worker in my country, Nigeria . I wouldn't have thought it was real money too, since I know the value.

At that moment a woman approached, took the money and went to this little girl, giving her the money saying "She needs it"......

Tell me something. This woman and her daughter who finally claimed the money, was it theirs?

@maryfavour & @redfishpillar.

She claimed it knowing no one said anything, her daughter is happy to have received the €50. I've tried reaching you, please I need to chat with you on what app.

No @maryfavour, it was just a random woman who spotted the money, took it and then gave it to another lady with her daughter. People who left the money had already gotten out of the bus. :D

So, happy ending in fiat? So rare today, @stella98 ;))

Yep @lighteye, I was so lucky... :D