This is your time

in #life7 years ago



We all arrive knowing we have to go, yet we spend our time as if our dreams, our perfect life, love, work will simply turn up of their own accord. We think we have an infinite amount of time to carve the life we say that we want. As you’re reading this there are a few things I will assume about you:

That you’re in a job you love.
Have relationships that inspires you.
Have friends that understand your value.
Are living the life you had always dreamt of…or you’re at least on the road to achieving that.

I assume this because it always concerns me to ponder the other options.
The numbers at the start of this piece refer to something many of us, maybe too many of us take for granted.

Our time.

Our time living, breathing, dancing, loving, singing, expressing the very essence of our soul. Our time seeking ways to carve out our destiny. If you spend 8 hours a day in a place of work you hate and get nothing from (I have done this more than once), we are investing hours we are neither enjoying and can’t reclaim at a later point in our life.


A day has 24 hours.
Multiply that by 356 days.
That gives you the figure of 8760 hours in a year.
Multiply that by the 75 years some of us will be blessed to reach and that gives you, 657,000 hours.
This is the amount of hours we will live if we live to be 75.


I’m not going to hazard a guess at how many hours you have already lived but will leave you with a question, how are you going to choose to spend the hours you have left?

(Photo credit - Pexels)