The Art of Astral Projection

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Separating your spirit body from your physical body while bound to the Earth realm is called astral projection. This is the English term and every spoken language known to man has an equivalent term. In Buddhism, this is the higher level of meditation mastery and some of the most powerful monks in the world have spent years to master this ability. For a very select few, however, this is a natural ability they've had since birth.

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One may ask, "Where do you go when you leave your physical body?" The astral planes consist on various levels that some refer to as the lower realms to the higher realms.

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The lower realms are ruled by fear and what we refer to as dark energy. The higher realms are ruled by the happiness to create and true light woven from greatness. These types of realms deserve a separate article specifically on them so let's get back to astral projection.

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The Limitations that Bind You

Let's begin with some basics that most people often overlook. If everyone born, eventually leaves here, that means that this is either a playing field or a prison. Nobody gets out alive or in our case, nobody lives here on the Earth realm forever. We are also subject to time and can't choose the amount of time we have left at any given moment. This may also mean that your true self isn't really here and your physical body is a biological avatar you're controlling. This is why you can speak to yourself in your mind without using your mouth and why you can close your eyes and visualize images without using your eyes to see.

Let's speak about the pineal gland that is protected by the brain and the brain protected by the skull. It's scientifically known that the pineal gland produces enormous amounts of DMT twice in every person's life and that's upon birth and death. Many spiritual masters believe that these 2 DMT bursts are gateways to the astral realm also known in some cultures as the spirit realms.

A major limit that's been forced upon modern society is the use of fluoride even after the late biochemist Dean Burk warned against its use.

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Besides the risk of fluoride causing cancer as warned by Dean Burk, it also specifically calcifies the pineal gland. With this calcification or worse, deterioration, the pineal gland would be in a dormant state. In other words, you would have no way to use your natural born powers of astral projection and you would have no access to the spirit realms. If the masses had use of their natural born power of astral projection, some say some faiths would lose merit because most spiritual leaders have absolutely no access to the spirit realms. Simply put, you're third eye blind.

The Third Eye Sees

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Let's focus on this "third eye" term for a brief moment. The third eye is what many cultures call the pineal gland and believe it is the all-seeing eye for each person. When most high-level people in this subject astral project, they literally see the gateway open while their physical eyes are closed, and "jump" through the gateway. A successful "jump" out of their physical bodies into another similar dimension is what we consider astral projection. Your pineal gland also known as the third eye is the key.

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There are many articles online about "out of body experiences" or OBE that state the person floats and hovers over themselves. I see how this may be possible but natural born astral "jumpers" may spend over 100 jumps and still be trying to hover in the realms they visit. It's extremely rare that someone with no experience at astral project begins floating and flying during their first "jumps." Your third eye is the gateway to the other realms but abilities in these realms still need to be learned or better yet, taught.


Seeking a spiritual mentor who teaches astral projection is advisable because some "jumps" are tainted with fear, cruelty, and pain in the lower realms.

Steps to Awakening your Third Eye

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Your pineal gland produces the gateway to the spirit realms where you must project and you need your third eye to show you where to "jump" through. Here are some suggestions into decalcifying your pineal gland because if you use commercial toothpaste, your pineal gland has a 98% chance of being calcified.

  • Drink water that's filtered using reverse osmosis starting first thing in the morning, 45 minutes before breakfast
  • Do everything you can to rid fluoride out of your life especially changing your toothpaste if your brand has it
  • Meditate starting with 2 minutes while increasing to eventually over 25 minutes
  • Train in a martial arts and do lots of cardio like swimming or jogging
  • Leave the processed foods alone and start taking some super herbs and mushrooms such as Ganoderma lucidum and herbs like moringa.
  • Remain in nature for long periods of time

What you're trying to accomplish is getting your body back to good health so when the gateway opens, you're prepared to "jump" through to another dimension. This can only happen with a functioning pineal gland.

The Disconnection

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The term "sleep paralysis" is another interesting subject related to astral projection and one that shouldn't be ignored for those interested in astral projecting. Science will tell you that sleep paralysis is the state of being conscious but being unable to move your physical body. In reality of you being you, it means your spiritual body just separated from your physical body.

When this happens, a great technique is trying to focus and see the ceiling if you're lying on your back. These specific moments just remember to not be afraid and try seeing the roof with your eyes closed. This is the practice time of opening your third eye. When you do get to the point where you see the roof, it's time to "jump" through the gateway. Don't worry or have any fear. This is supposed to happen because this is your natural born ability that the systems that control us have programmed dormant since birth. Hence the unnecessary use of fluoride in anything and everything.

Why does this disconnection happen?

This can happen for a number of reasons to people who've yet to astral project. It could mean your physical body is tired but your spiritual body is still full of vigor. It could mean that you've gained some healthy habits and your third eye is decalcified and is trying to open. Just know that when this happens, it's not a state of paralysis but rather your spiritual body just separated from your physical body. Instead of trying to move your physical arms, try to move your spiritual center backward to catapult your spiritual body out forward.

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Astral projection takes practice and dedication if you're not born with the use of this ability. It's like learning Taekwondo for the 3rd dan black belt. It's going to take more time for some and less time for others, to earn that black belt. Plus, having the ability to astral "jump" at will is so much cooler than having to continuously take massive hits of DMT or puking your guts out from ayahuasca, LOL. Once you get to the next realm using the art of astral projection, however, you will never view life the same way.

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Authored & Photographed by:


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very good information and nice images

Super glad you enjoyed the images and post...hope you have an outstanding weekend.

Happy weekend to you too.

It's been an awesome one :)

Very good article @stewsak, you obviously know what you are talking about. I spent many years investigating this subject as I had several spontaneous out of body experiences and false awakenings whilst in bed. One occasion I was out of my body and checking out the walls of my room to check for known marks on the paint to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I looked at the bedside table and saw my book cover, the lamp and other ornaments around the room but when I looked at the bed sheets they had flowers on them and the sheets I was using that week were white. This puzzled me and actually caused me to fall back into my body and wake up.
Your reference to fluoride is a fact I have forgotten about recently, but I was very anti fluoride as a mother and luckily I lived somewhere that did not put it in the water. Non fluoride toothpaste was hard to get back in the 80’s but health food shops sold some and I have since started using a natural tooth tonic made locally by a friend of mine. All the children’s toothpastes sold commercially in Australia contain fluoride it’s awful that they don’t even give parents a choice.

Yes agreed, not having a choice as a parent when it comes to fluoride is super awful and terrifying. It's amazing how they snuck it in, to the point it's part of popular culture with all of the toothpaste commercials we've seen over our lifetimes.

Your spontaneous astral "jump" is quite interesting. Although there are a few kinds of "jumps," most rooms you "jump" into are quite similar if compared to this realm. Similar but yet different and this also goes for the building structure. For example, if you astral "jump" from your bedroom, your bedroom and house will be almost the same but very different. If you astral "jump" from a condo building then the entire building will be the same but different with similar floors. You would need to get out of the building to "explore" the realm you astral "jumped" to.

In your case, it was a room you are familiar with so you noticed the slight differences. For the most part, the first room you astral "jump" to is your safe room and it's in this room you should learn your beginning abilities before deeply exploring the realms you astral "jump" to. A fun fact about all this is, a successful astral "jump" becomes part of your recallable memory forever (recallable memory meaning it really happened). You can control your emotions while "jumping" & you can control your darkest desires whereas a dream you can not. A dream is hard to remember because you only remember the moment before you wake-up and you can't control your emotions in a dream. Unless you master lucid dreaming, but that's a whole different subject :)

Thanks a million for coming by and have an amazing week!

I always thought you started off in this realm, just without the physical body. I now understand why there were subtle differences. I have always been fascinated by the story I heard of a person who left their body during surgery rising up to the ceiling where there were narrow windows at the top to let daylight in. Whilst up there they saw a sneaker on the roof. After surgery he asked a nurse to go up to the roof and look and the nurse found a sneaker in the exact place they had seen it. Is this the astral or did he just leave his body and thereby was able to float up that high?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'm not quite sure about that one ( meaning never heard of it) because I've not yet mastered any floating or flying abilities. In my experience, my astral "jumps" sent me to other realms where each realm abides by the natural & spiritual laws that hold it together. But just because I don't have those abilities doesn't mean other entities don't. I've met some powerful entities along this astral journey of mine :)

You have obviously done a lot research on your journey and had some interesting experiences along the way. My experiences were quite a few years ago but I am getting interested in these reals agin now and feel that I should get reacquainted with the process. Thanks for your post it has rekindled my interest in this subject for sure.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi stewsak, Excellent composition and I very much enjoyed reading your article and those photos that you shown are great. The Elephant with so many tasks has my interest. Do you know why that elephant statue contain so many task? whats is the story behind its many tasks? I also like to know if you know the healing properties of Ayahuasca? if so what are its side affects.

Super happy you enjoyed the post. I took the elephant image at Wat Ban Rai's wihan (a temple for the gods) so it's the temple's version of the mythical elephant Airaavatha. I don't know too much about ayahuasca but I know 3 temples here in Thailand use it to help addicts kick there addiction and the success rate is pretty high. Some say that it forces people to face their fears and also detoxes them in a brutal way.

I actually started my spiritual journey at Wat Ban Rai with my first spiritual mentor, the late great Luang Phor Koon who helped me with many stages of astral projection. Thanks a million for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you stewsak, I am looking forward to see your next article.

Knowledge is powerful!

I second that motion! LOL. Thanks for stopping by and have a great Sunday!

Excellent post, I think that this is very interesting information, Thanks for sharing with us

Super glad you enjoyed the post and have an incredible week.

I was never able to do this but I lucid dream all the time!

Lucid dreaming is another great subject that shows the mind can overcome any involuntary input. Some fun facts about all this are that lucid dreaming happens during R.E.M. (as most dreams) and in astral projection, it's mostly at the beginning of your sleep cycle. In lucid dreaming, you can control the surroundings and even characters to a point but in astral projection, you can only control your abilities in that realm. Cool stuff :) Thanks for coming by and have an incredible week.

Is there any herbs I can take to help my awaken my third eye? I live in Pennsylvania and drink well water with no Fluoride. I have a very open mind, have achieved several lucid dreams and would love to achieve this mental state.

Chaga is a super mushroom that you can enjoy as a tea and moringa is also available as a tea. You can also physically train or exercise until that healthy exhaustion 6 hours before you go to sleep and attempt to induce what is referred to as "sleep paralysis." Not the "I'm so exhausted I gotta pass out" stage but more the "that was a great workout, I feel great" stage. Your conscious may pass out right to sleep if super exhausted. You're trying to purposely stay awake while entering the beginning stages of sleep and lying on your back. You know you're doing it correctly if your body begins to slightly shake. When this happens, just remember it's normal, you're safe and try to breathe normally. The worst that can happen is that you wake up in the morning thinking "great workout yesterday." But...If it works then you'll find yourself in the state of "sleep paralysis" and practice the "seeing the ceiling" technique I mentioned. It takes practice. It may take, weeks or it may take years. Just know that you've had this ability since birth and you just have to activate it once. It will be with you from that day on until the next dimension. Thanks for stopping by and have an incredible weekend!

Interesting, I have had sleep paralysis several times and have always considered it a bad thing especially since even as an adult it still frightens me. I can not really describe why but I feel terror when I have a bout of sleep paralysis and I try to force myself to move as hard as I can when it happens. So what you are saying is basically to go with it. You have a great weekend too.

Not only go with it but maximize the time in this state to achieve the astral "jump." On some normal nights, when you go to sleep, lay down in your sleeping quarters with your eyes open. Measure the distance to the ceiling with your eyes sight. Really focus on that distance where you know how far it is from you without a doubt. Now if you enter the "sleep paralysis" state and on your back, don't wake yourself up but try to see the ceiling. The gateway is there, you just need your third eye to see it and open it.

While in this state, another great ability to learn would be "anchoring your body." Don't wake yourself up and just get comfortable with knowing the fact that you're spiritual body is detached from your physical while you're still bound to it. Get to know your physical body in this state. This is a tremendous skill when you're astral "jumping" and run into trouble because you can return to your anchored body instantly.

Hope this helps and remember, it takes time. Thanks for coming by and wishing you the very best.

Dear stew thans for teaching me something today.

Just this short comment put a smile on my face. I super appreciate you coming by and have a terrific coming week.

ThAnx stew, we are celebrating christmas for three days in the Netherlands so Thats Nice. I wish you a Nice week aswell

Merry Christmas, from my family to yours...

Right back at ya

Thanks. That's really some good work! Resteemed and followed! Nice to meet you, @stewsak!

Super happy you enjoyed the writeup and have an outstanding weekend.

yesterday I had a conversation with a friend who told me that he tried DMT and admit that in his case it was more like death than birth, but honestly I am also curious about it. Mostly because of the warm discussion between people with positive and negative opinions about it. Other friend who tried it in South America told me that it was really amazing experience and he can easily compare it with birth. But he was unable to explain what kind of feeling is it. Also cannot explain how does he know that during his birth he felt the same. I am curious about percentage amount of placebo and autosuggestion in DMT.

I know many who have tried DMT and I figure at the point of use, what their energy and thoughts are projecting would be where they will most likely go. It's the same in astral projection. I also hear from my doctor friends that people who use DMT and don't get thrown out of their bodies usually mean they didn't use enough, LOL. I've never had to personally use DMT to achieve a "jump" but if you only see colors with your eyes closed then you're probably not using it correctly. Not you you but meaning just in general. Super appreciate you stopping by and have an amazing weekend :)

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