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RE: The Potential Benefits of Creating Our Own Pantheon/Mythology, and an Explanation of My Forearm Tattoos

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Excellent way of looking at things and certainly a great perspective on dealing with them. I suppose our inner voice is always mumbling inside our noggins. Putting a face to the voice makes sense and why not a character or someone we look up to. As I've found out the ego never stops. The Sri Yantra is my favorite by the way. I like the meaning it holds within the design. Pretty kool. Yes heaven and hell are within us just as the idea of heaven and hell are within the creator... the yin and the yang right? If only more could understand this and not take things so literal. I mean it always baffled me to hear how Satin... whoops Satan actually is a living being. I suppose people need someone to blame or repetitive teachings along with the lack of actually thinking for a few minutes could be the culprits. But then again, if only they knew we were a specific diet species right? They would then know how little we would need the medical and big pharma catastrophes as well but try telling someone they can't have their mellow yellow or fast foods anymore much less cooked food. They'd rather be sick. Whoops I'm on a rant, anyway, great post as always! In my mind we are all directors and the star together of our own movie. We create what we experience in the now. Peace brother!