The Thing That Made me Smile Today and What I've Learned About People

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I just saw something that I have never seen before and it made me smile both inside and out.

I saw a consultant (doctor) pick up a piece of paper from the floor and put it in the trash.

This might sound trivial at first but it is the first time I have seen this done in over 3 years working in a hospital. It made me smile and it made me kinda regret some of my previous feelings I'd had about a lot of senior doctors and consultants. The truth is, you can't generalise or bunch people together into groups with labels. Each one of us is special in our own unique way and we are the product of our experiences, our environments, our memories, our loves, our heartaches, our breakfasts..! So it is impossible to judge somebody at face value at any particular moment.

So what have I learned in these 3 years?

  1. People are human: no matter what their particular label (assigned to them by others or by themselves), people have basically the same vulnerabilities and desires and everybody should be granted the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

  2. Trust your instincts: consult your head (by using reason) but give the final verdict to your heart.

  3. The Golden Rule reigns supreme: do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.
