There's an opinion, that I totally agree with.
If to follow Darwin theory, we would never become homo sapiens without eating meat. Why?
Well, do you see those huge vegetarians in the wild nature? Elephants, for example.
Most part of their life, they chew their food. No time for any kind of the progress.
All predators just have to be clever to trace their victim and actually catch it.
It's not about ethics - to eat meat or not. It's about being human or not.
Btw, I thought there was big study lately that actually proved that being vegan is dangerous for health. But not sure about that
This is wrong. There is not scientific studies that have point out that our brain might have grow to the size it has for the most part because of our fruit based diet. Now whether or not this is true doesn't make eating meat moral or not.
If someone were to tell you: "I love eating human flesh and also it makes my brain and soul bigger." You wouldn't just be: "Yeah, go on with eating human flesh" wouldn't you?
well, you see? If he can catch me, he has the right to. This is nature, wolves are not asking hares, are they ok to be eaten or not.
Or if we have intellect, we are suddenly out of natural instincts?
I am only against of overconsumption of food
I never said we were out of natural instinct. We should just engage in all our natural instincts without any restriction.
If a rapist catches you than according to your thinking then he has the right to rape you which is a pretty weird way of thinking.
Well, you see? He will actually have his right if he's stronger. He will be punished later, according to the law.
But what law is?
Law, if simplified, is collection of morals that are empowered by people who delegated their rights to create superpower that protect them according to morals they believe in.
Only power gives true rights in this world. Law only protect weakest.
True but we don' have to eat meat to be human. In fact eating meat can sometime be equated to being inhuman.
True, we don't have to but we have all the rights to