Not ready to embrace change
Inability to keep up with the global market trends
Too much emphasis and too much money allotted towards Cricket and Bollywood.
Media and other forms like newspapers hardly publish any positive changes brought about by entrepreneurs or small businesses in the country.
Government wants to head towards a digital economy when hundreds of farmers are committing suicide.
Many people and the government not ready to accept cryptocurrency blockchain technology and losing out on attracting foreign investments.
People call cryptocurrency a scam as it is not putting money in their bank accounts since they are unaware of how it does.
Government are not ready to legalize crypto but want to collect taxes from its citizens for using crypto.
After the rule of the British, both the government and the citizens of the nation have forgotten India's old Vedic culture and how the nation was truly rich until the British have made them believe that the traditional things are old-school and the western way of things is the way to go.
Tons and tons and tons of money lying in Swiss bank accounts and many temples which are kept rotting without any use.
Right. except cricket. cricket helps indian economy by having most rich board which pays tax and generates a lots of jobs, country spirit and promotes india to the world in good way. Maybe you can add politics as major money waster instead of cricket.