Your post formatting is still bad. Blocking me on doesn't change that, just saying. You told me to read your other post and upvote+resteem if I like it - I told you why I don't like it. You flip out and block me.
I'm not sure what you expected.
This is why I flag him. He's ultra toxic and just a bad person. This guy, due to not responding to him on steem chat where I was initially going out of my way to help him (I wasn't logged in), decided to threaten to kill me, kill and rape my wife and mom, hack me, among other stuff.
The guy is a lunatic.
He messaged me a while ago for some reason, something about wanting to send me Steem so it doesn't look like one of his contests was fake. I didn't really care, didn't know him. So whatever.
Few days ago he contacted me complaining about you, asking me to help. But I am not friends with him, don't really know you, and don't participate in flag wars out of principle ....
I still checked out his post. Saw that it was horribly formatted. Told him. Was blocked.
People are weird.
Yeah, I don't know you either. But you aren't the first person to mention him spamming this kind of stuff to them. I've been contacted both by people that I know and don't know, telling me he's doing this.
I'm not sure what else he expects from this kind of behavior. All I know is I'll continue to nullify his presence here because I do not think that he's a good fit for the community. From pyramid schemes to death/rape threats to hack threats to literally fabricating information to spamming garbage. I'm invested here and as a stake holder, do not want him to have a presence.
You are a fucking idiot.
Your photoshop skills are janky as fuck.
I am a STEEM Mod and I will execute your omelette right now.
Lol, Fuck you.
No more talking, only flagging.
As you can see, the room shows as "blocked", but I still have the option to "block user", which means you were the one who blocked the conversation. At least try to keep your lies consistent.
Oh, and about that raffle ...
You faked me winning that. I went along, because I didn't see the harm in it. Now I kind of regret it, because you seem like a lunatic.
He's a full blown lunatic and compulsive liar. If you perused his reddit, you'd see he complains about not having a girlfriend in around 5 years (probably didn't even have one then) and has no friends (obvious why, being an extremely toxic individual).
I think his pathetic raffle was entirely false and he thought he could pull a quick scam. I'm very glad it failed.
Oh yeah, he's also on the universal scammer list for trading groups.
These are only a few reasons that I flag him aside from the death/rape/hack threats I've received from him for not responding to wall-o-text questions he sent me that I didn't see. Nearly everything he writes is complete and total fabrication. I don't like his presence on Steem.
EDIT: Ouch, the COO of Utopian is buyable, that's kind of uhh, disheartening. Regret or not, that's still scammy and doesn't instill much trust whatsoever on any level.
I'm glad to see that you might be using the @compulsive-liar account I made for you.
I've never posted one pic-one sentence posts in my life 🤔 you must have me confused with someone.
Also, dude, have you ever checked out my blog?
I'm pretty sure that I create a bunch of value.
In his eyes, you only create value if you don't invest in Steem, talk about how good you are while doing absolutely nothing, talk about how stupid everyone else is compared to you while doing absolutely nothing, lie about everything on earth, scam people, promote pyramid schemes, threaten to rape people, threaten to kill people, threaten to hack people, etc.
Just checked your Twitter. It's worse than your Steem blog. Why would you want us to look at it? So we see the lyrics you recently posted about killing a man after you said you're going to "take care of us?" Trying to make cryptic death threats? lol