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Hello Beautiful Friends,
The whole purpose of this post is to boost your introductory post.
As you know picture speaks a thousand words, It helps others to easily find your profile rather then browsing in the a textual interface. I'm also planning to develop more projects to support newcomers so if someone is producing an interesting blog even if he/she just joined here, is quite worthy to have the best support from us as maximum as possible.
If you find out this project of supporting newcomers interesting, then please follow and upvote me.
Many thanks and welcome to steem community.


I'm Rick G, the honky doorman that turned away Michael Jordan and Patrick Ewing one night in 84@elroyg

Hola ¿Qué tal?@wraths

It is an attempt to defragment me and the arduous task of describing me@rocoduran


Hola, ¡Conozcámonos!@andreabortone

My presentation at steemit, thank you for your support@alexanderspecter

Manage Stress Without Stress@uzzalb

Introduction of a Dutch retired lawyer and banker and now working for charities in Hungary.@royaards

Introducing myself@purelady
@oluchigalMY THOUGHTS ARE NAKED!!@klynic introduced me.

¡Mi hermana está en Steemit!@melyrigo

Introducing myself@mayorfaruk

Introducing About Myself@jhonysins

Introduce my self.. It's about my life@badlisyah78
Nice intro
Good intoductory of picture .keep on and enjoy steemit
thanks @rayhan02 for your feedback
NiCE STUFF, Thanks for linking me up, I'll be back.