As per the guy up on charges why don't you spend hours going through my near useless dribble comments either on here or disqus where I even went and done the math to get to the answer as if he was actually trying to profit off the vaccines like accused. No he wasn't. He was trying to help people who were being forced to take the vaccine. You can't hand out vaccines cards if you aren't matching up those supposed vaccinations if you are not ordering vaccines. There's a huge difference between "refusing" to give individuals the vaccines and trying to find an avenue for those in a quandary of being forced to take them. Simply logic prevails here without me having to spend hours explaining the whole case to you, if you don't want to give people the vaccine you don't order any vaccines....get it. He was a plastic surgeon who owned his own business....get it.
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Since you categorize your comments so, I am not going to spend further time on them.
You don't like to admit when you are wrong sometimes, you don't even consider compromise sometime. But the holy grail Malone hits you up and you take every word he has to say verbatim and he can only be right one hundred percent of the time and provides for website clicks on an instance, regardless if it's been said before and repeatedly regurgitated in a different format over and over again.
Besides you know you'd miss me. Who else in bot land is going to make your post so worthy of debate.