....and now that I thought about it for a moment longer, I highly doubt Thiel is having any infusions at all. You do know Israel has some sort of hyperbaric chamber or something of that nature that supposedly has proven to turn back the tide of aging. Right after they made that announcement, Nancy Pelosi all of a sudden took a trip to Israel, lol.
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Hyperbaric chambers don't have any claimed potential to reverse aging IIRC. What they do is increase 02 levels, which increases metabolic rate. This actually would accelerate aging since that is a result of using the metabolic processes to live, as I understand the aging mechanism.
However, restoring the presence of the blood markers of youth indeed retards aging, which is characterized by decreasing collagen, which makes skin less elastic causing wrinkles, for example, but across many and diverse suites of factors that enable younger individuals to heal, grow, and perform faster and better than the aged. I am as certain Thiel uses young blood as I am that the sun will rise in the morning.
Maybe I got the name wrong, you'd have to google for it. Don't believe I saved that one. It's some sort of chamber people spend time in and it reverses aging.
Well, no matter what they call any such thing, It's a scam.
Young blood isn't a scam at all, terrifyingly.
I see you didn't make it to the bottom of that article that says there's no proof blood transfusions reverse aging.
Anyway, I found that Japanese study, figured it wouldn't be to hard to find as it was recent, whereas the Israeli things was a at least a couple years ago. Yes I believe it, maybe it didn't reverse aging, maybe it prolonged life, I don't remember, it's been awhile. The Israeli's have found more cures for what ails mankind than any other nationality on earth. I wouldn't see why they'd want to start pushing a scam now.
I see you continue to put words in my mouth. I say 'retard aging' and you insert 'reverse aging'. These are not at all the same thing. The blood factors from kids transfused into old people definitely supply those factors that have degraded physical condition of the aged due to their lack. That isn't in any way rejuvenating or restoring youth to the aged, but is simply retarding that degradation caused by lack of those factors due to aging.
These technologies need to be tested before the people that can afford them will buy them. Scamming is what 'Jews' do. They've always done so, and will always do so as long as they exist, so doing so now is nothing new.
IMG source - random anonymous internet post
Tit for tat, still doesn't deflect from the disclaimer at the bottom of the article, that would have, like you said, meant "retard" aging.
Really Ralph, you going to come at me with some chart pointing out bias in calling out Jews while others got high scores in various areas, some even higher than Jews.
No, that's the problem. You keep conflating what that article said with what I said. That article denied reversing aging was possible, and I said retarding aging was happening. We're not using the same words, not talking about the same thing, and you keep saying I'm not agreeing with the article - that I don't agree with BTW.
Are you trying to defend Thiel because he's a Jew? I don't care if he's Jewish or not. I don't like his business, his manner, his policies, or his eating babies, or however he takes their blood. If he's Jewish, he's an example of a Jew I don't like. However, he doesn't look very brown, so I bet his ancestry is from Europe, meaning he's one of them Jews that call themselves Jews but aren't Jews (if in fact he claims to be Jewish) but are instead the Synagogue of Satan - which would fit perfectly with Mileikowski and eating baby blood.