It is not obligatory, it is not the sole responsibility of a wife, it is not calved on a marble stone  that when you marry your wife, you are therefore duty bound to not help her with home chores.
The egocentric nature of men is the reason why why many homes experience avoidable and unwarranted quarrel most often.
It may surprise you to see a man helping out with washing and assisting his wife with other domestic chores especially from this part of the world where it is popular belief that domestic activities is solely the responsibility of women.
OK! That's in the past, I mean in the times of our forefathers who perhaps sees assisting their wives as an abomination. Thank goodness we have outlived that draconian and archaic age. In my upbringing, I had lived my major young age with an aunt who taught me how to carry out domestic activities. I'm proud to have had such training and upbringing as it is being put to practice in my house.

You may want to take a second view of the pictures again, yes, it's me and my beautiful and hardworking wife complimenting one and other on a Saturday morning chores. I'm proud to compliment her efforts in all domestic activities, reason is that I marry a help mate and not a house help. It implies that we are both here to help each other.
Often times, men give flimsy excuses such as: am too busy at work, I was not brought up this way, I provide for the well-being of the house, you are the woman here, etc. Excuse me! Your wife is the other part of you that makes you a complete being.
Hello! fellow stemians, (gentle men), I can assure you that, your pride, ego as the head of the house remains and get greater boost whenever you help your wife out. I personally feel happy and full filled when I assist my wife at home.
Women are more submissive when men show lots of love and care. You don't need to ask them to love you in return when you help them ease stress. There are certain men that I am indeed proud of; my husband and his friend are second to none. You can see my friend and indeed every other woman who receives such assistance will beam with smiles from the depth of the heart.
Hehehe, they have started hailing themselves. It's all good with you ladies, we are proud to have you and my wife your friend. Thanks @trendyevents
I am speechless with this your act...waoh! I never knew there are other men like my husband who understands and care for their wife...
Try and observe something about men like you, when things like these are done, there are some hidden blessings attached to it and most men do no even know. It might not be financially all time but before they know it "one thing leads to another" you see those men wealthy and then you see people asking questions...
Please help preach to "these" men who are yet to know this...
May God bless you family and shower His love more on you all...
Amen @bekky. The hidden blessings are numerous to mention. One instant reward you get is the respect and warmth treat you get from wify. Thanks for the upvote.
Exactly...anyways weldone
lovely wife is your help mate, not house help. In fact, I'm resteeming your post right away. Chaiii...good example husband. When will many Nigerian men learn this?Hmm..., @sunny4glow, you have won my heart with this post of yours. My $5.00 vote goes to you, bro. Sunny, for being a REAL MAN, who understands his wife and helps her out. Yes, your
@maryfavour & @redfishpillar.
They need to learn from Br. Sunny and my husband. It's not enough to throw money at your wife or worse still not give money or even love and yet command respect. No be men be these ones so?
Na the work wey we the do na
@maryfavour. Am thrilled at winning your heard with this post. You are the real mentor here, we are greatly proud of the great job you are doing. Thank you plenty for the upvote. $5.00 is a whole lot of gift ma'am.
great post man keep it up!!!!
Thanks @hcukaleski
See how my head was swelling as I was reading this post. Wow. I don't even know what to comment. Great post sir. May the both of you live long and happy together. Amen
Amen @smile -for-tee, appreciate for making out time to peruse. Thanks for the upvote.