I keep saying "my pelvis is shattered"; hahaha because it is so true. I used the word "shattered" because it is true too!
I don't have a very regular life and my pelvis is one key reason. 24/7 pains each day in the past year but i live with it's like normal. Deep down i know this saps life span because it does.
I am very sedentary not because i am confined or tied and certainly not because of steemit and busyness but because among other things, like maintaining inspiration which is really scarce where i am at, pain is like child's play and has always been part of normal living for me; this is abnormal.
I am no soldier but i can take a beating and turn the other cheek.
This has shaped me and is a pretty good recipe for overall success but it kills too.
"Don't be like me!"
Be like me, but don't shatter your pelvis.
There is so much pain involved in my case. Then your entire body, over time, loses the ability to relax and stiffness robs you off joy and leisure. You may lose the ability to sleep too. You may lose coordination and your eyes may get swollen from too much pressure and pain and headaches etc
Then things get miserable!
I didn't know
Among other things, i didn't know that a pelvic issue can become an issue and that it is hard to fix!
Hahaha, a shattered pelvis is a big deal. To me, i looks like that portion of the body that feels like "valueless bones" underneath my buttocks area is the centre of the body. So if you feel like you have been sitting for many hours at a go and on the very wrong kind of chair, please arise and walk around and do some stretches.
In my case, a large part of this pelvic disruption started at my night shift job and small-sized office chairs.
Once in 2015, when i started to get too depressed and very much suicidal; i arose again, did a victory song (a recorded youtube video where i sang in bass and danced victory) and took up a job.
Hahaha, i was dead broke on the said employment day.
I had a small portion of money, only sufficient for a few days and on this particular day, i got two jobs.
How It Happened?
When it comes to pursuit of goals in general, i don't entertain fears of rejection and if i get rejected, i hardly attribute it to my lack of quality.
My self-worth and confidence, i have allowed to stay intact.
Overall, even when i have gone to look for jobs, i do see myself as a CEO taking a job. Basically, what i am saying is, "assuming i started in your company as clerk, i know i deep inside me that i can turn out CEO of your company tomorrow".
From pauperism to CEOism is as easy as converting full-blown poop into tiny fart trinklets. Bottom-line, it is not that hard! (Mentality is key!) @surpassinggoogle
Hahaha! So bosses, don't be surprised when you ask me; "where do you see yourself in our company in the next 5 years" and my answer is; "as co-CEO!"
No worries, I am very very humble, so this is not some prideful stuff
I am just talking of attitude in relation to altitude.
I am also talking of maintaining self-worth, self-belief and self-confidence and establishing these things over time, solidly in the cores of the mind, through actual development and evolution even when circumstance ties you. (Too lazy to quit!)
So here: I had only a small amount of money to sustain me for a few days and house-rent was approaching too. So i had to get a job (at the time) very quickly. (Before this time, i had not worked for more than 3 years).
On the said day, i checked the internet and found a contact for a company (a Business Processing Company called Sykes), then i called and i gave them my number to call me back. They called my cell phone a few hours later and were asking me to visit their office for the first interview but i told them i was broke and would love the opportunity to carry on with the entire process over the phone.
After much hesitation, they said they would have someone get back to me and that was the case.
Next, i had a 15 minute call and a large part of this call, was me explaining how broke i was and how i am trying to conserve money. Basically, i was telling them that, i would only like to commute to the company, if the process was complete and if was i getting the job and this was the case.
After the 15 minutes, i was told to visit their office, to sign job-offer documents.
I got to the company but they told me, that they would like me to try one more interview with another boss. Basically, they wanted to see if i could also fit in sales. I have never done sales but i agreed. Then, i did an interview with a new boss, where i was told to sell him a bottle.
I am sure i didn't do well!
But this boss took me and said he will train me, then i signed the job offer documents etc and that was it. I had job! (Very much Jehovah's grace).
I am telling you, things don't always have to follow protocol, if you generate the guts to propose out-of-the-boxness. It may prompt a stir but can result in a good-stir. @surpassinggoogle
Upon leaving this company, someone approached me, outskirts of this Sykes building, saying that i should apply for a job in their company. I was dead hungry at the time but he was insistent. Hahaha, he said the salary was higher too but what interested me more by his proposal was location.
I was interested in his mention of the BGC area Manila, where they had the Ferraris and stuff as this poses more potential for possibilities in my eyes and ofcourse inspiration.
So i agreed to join him. Hahaha, they had a nice Jeep to relocate us with and upon getting there, there was a meal too. Just like the first company, which was all impromtu, i didn't have a Resume and in the interviews, i was holding my job-offer sign-up documents from the Sykes company.
Normally, you would hide this!
In my case, my Sykes job attainment and offer, turned out to be part of the interview. My first interviewer was from Great Britain.
We ended up talking about Michael Jackson the whole interview and my other job offer.
Then we got to the next level and a final level, where i was to be interviewed by my potential boss.
On the final sitting, i was with one person and my boss told me months later, that when i was taken, that person that was seated beside me on that day, wasn't taken and seriously, i can tell you that i must have been terrible in my final interview.
Hahaha, there other things about a human, than expertise and than protocols and books
One thing, that bothered him was "attendance" because at the time i was living really far away. Basically, he wanted me to promise that i would always be present etc which i couldn't hahaha but here is what i said:
With a dynamic passionate even loving boss, who heartfeltly cares for his workers and who is persuasive too, we shall not be late or absent.
Hahaha and there ended up being so much love in this boss!
For this boss, i was always present, even though the office chair was to small for me and my butt went sour and darker and my pelvis shattered, i was there present, forgetting the pain for a year and half.
In this time, i managed to influence my boss into relocating abroad to tap into newer aspects of life and my only pal (work colleague) during this time, was promoted to new boss.
I wasn't a worker all along and i doubt i will ever really be! In all this night-shifts and shattered-pelvis period, i was looking for something bigger and i was doing 4 posts on steemit a day at the time and my boss knew and he understood.
I tell you, only my PC really had this permission and at times when its internet gets blocked, i would use my boss' laptop during my breaks to access steemit or after work.
Basically, one of the things i am saying is: Even rules don't cover all scenarios, so attempt out-of-the-boxness.
A dynamic boss will even love it because a dynamic beautiful boss, will relish that you become CEO someday.
All this apply to life in general!
"If you want to sign autographs in the near future, start rehearsing and honing that signature even now". @surpassinggoogle
You want to whale on steemit?
"you are already whale to me!"
I Am Fixing My Pelvis
I hope it works
In my case, my pelvis area generates 24/7 pain all across my body at this point, whether i am laying down or sitting. I am aging really fast.
Hahaha, everytime i stand up to walk, it is like i am learning to walk all over again.
But i am fixing it. Starting the gym routine again and will resume some sports too. I re-started the session and not weights; more of core-strengthening and stretches.
Hahaha, i don't like weights. I prefer to have the brains lift weights!
Took some photos but not of me:
I may block you soon!
Your Boy Terry
My community effort and steemit growth is a major part of my effort as "steemgigs" witness
I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful, especially in terms of giving me the direly needed extra drive & strength. Overall, there is no doubt, that i have been here on steemit, proven, solid and i will keep on being here! Steemit is in my books and my heart has a soft spot for it and this will keep on because upon it, i kept my legacies and even my sad stories and most utmostly, i get to have awesome YOU.
For humans and steemians, i am all in, for you all
To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!
If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.
For the tech people on steem, like developers etc you can certainly now use this full RPC 256GB public node:
Let's Go!!!
Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented). Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT
"Everyone has something to offer!"
No internet here for last 5 days and I want to say that it's shattered my pelvis. :)
Life is an arena where happiness and pains are most of the times in state of war with each other but it's only the human brain that has to go through the feelings. The good point about this process is that it never lets us get bored and those who do, they commit suicide and leave the arena...forever!
Life has more pain than joys may that's why we need to use our unique gifts to disclose the hidden secrets for the service of mankind. That's what it should be but with every passing day and with new inventions, we're adding more and more facilities in human lives but why is life not getting simpler? There is something wrong going on in the world. It needs to be figured out. My individual pain is nothing but a drop of water of the sea of collective human pain.
Doing job is new form of slavery to me
I am hopeful about the times when humans don't have to live their lives divided in months so that they could earn living for their families from month-month and years to years thus sacrificing their true potential to serve the humanity. If I ever get financial freedom, most of my time will spend reading books, traveling and world and singing songs. I'm not a bad singer. Most of the singers are not bad until someone listens to their songs. :) I don't want to be CEO of Steemit because I'm already CEO of my life. For me, CEO is control of your life. No one can take it from me.
This is beautiful:
I hope your mom looks at you from heaven.
Very good post @surpassinggoogle.
Steem On!
I wish you internet for the next 5 days. I used to joke saying everyone is CEO, if at least you can tell jimmy btw the legs to lay and it listens and you can tell bingo to sit and it seats. CEOism for me, is similar to your definition. I am trying to build on the mentality aspect mainly to help inspire. As for steem, we are all CEO or co-owners cos of our stake.. Steemit is a beauty you are very much allowed to be administrator of your own dreams of life, so to speak. The part of my mum, it touches me everytime. Thank you for spotting it. Everything i do here has additional essence. The whole witness thing, Full rpc node, the steemgigs interface, i so want to look at these things and just dedicate and re-dedicate it to my mum for she was fan of my desire to touch lives and generations yet unborn and she allowed and encouraged it even at her own expense. We will move still
I have started understanding you more and more with the passage of time. May be, one day we meet, I mean, the world is a small place and I have goals to travel the world before closing my eyes. So, you never know what life holds for us in coming years. Keep smiling @surpassinggoogle. Peace.
thanks for upvote and resteem.
This post is also warning us on how disastrous things could become if we put our lives at stake in our daily activities.
Hardwork is good but wisdom should apply.
More so, Surviving in the steemit community requires hardwork and patience. "but please do not hurt your pelvis" @surpassinggoogle.
@surpassinggoogle this is not just an heart touching post, but also a drive and an encouragement to all steemiteans on how productive our efforts can yield... All will be well @surpassinggoogle.
Hahaha so so so sweet. You spotted all the spottables and summarized my post with feelings and love. Awesomness. Stay awesome!
What a great article, straight from the heart. the line that struck home for me was :
It rings deeply true in my mind and the image is so bang on!
Thanks a lot for the motivational words, It is great to learn more about you and how your inner-strength keeps you going, what a powerful human being you have become through all of this and through life, in general.
Namaste :)
Sweet comment. I just completes this post. You grasped! Thank you.
Thanks, it is a pleasure to connect with you on so many levels... Namaste :)
Thank you Eric
With a dynamic passionate even loving boss, who heartfeltly cares for his workers and who is persuasive too, we shall not be late or absent.
Always keep smiling and keep spreading your love towards community for its betterment. All the best and stay Blessed!Hello dearest @surpassinggoogle you came with another heart touching blog post. These are not only the words but some extensive level of the realities of life. While reading your post most of the time tears were in my eyes only due to hear your hardships in your life. This should be the line of Year: I solute your passion terry you're so strong from your inner side. You have lost your mother recently but you are so strong, you stand up with the strength and spreading love yo others. Your own hardships are so heavy but you still is a helping hand towars entire community. love your attitude dear @terry.
Terry is a rear personality, he reach out to bless others even in the mist of his own challenges. He is the reason why many are still on steemit.
Thank you bro
Thank you for a comment filled with so much love
Dearest @surpassinggoogle you're the one who is spreading love everywhere, boosting the morale of Minnows and Supporting the people around the globe irrespective of their color, language, religion and skill level. This is so rare and we can't find any example in the universe. Keep strong and stay blessed!
This is so true. Everyone has a potential to become a CEO, it all depends on what you want in life. You might see yourself as CEO in whatever you do. That's the right mindset.
Sorry @surpassinggoogle for the pains you go through because of your pelvis. They say pain might endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. This is a temporary issue which will go away by God's grace. Wish you divine healing.
Stay well!!
Sweet comment. I like the part you chose to pick which tells me alot about you cos that is one of my best original quotes
Stay Strong!!
I tell you that this strategy works. Here that there are no jobs, I've had a sibling request for postponement of an interview due to the time it was fixed was not convenient. This is almost tantamount to committing suicide as jobs are scarce. He did this twice and the company (one of the major telecommunication company) agreed. Most would have risked their lives travelling or leaving other pressing agendas due to lack of job to go for the interview. Having a strong belief in your capability and capacity to handle a situation is the different between getting your heart's desire and being miserable.
Any bone or fracture issue is not an easy thing. Here's wishing you a quick recovery. Peace.
Sweet. Naija needs this. Its dead risky as you put it but can very much be the difference. Let me not speak of naija. Happy weekend. Egusify yourself when you get the chance. Add some kpomo
Lol at egusify yourself. If you know how much I like egusi soup then you'd know that you hit the nail on the head on this one. We can only keep on pushing it. 2017 is almost gone and you'd agree with me it came its good and bad. But in less than 15 days we'd have a new year with a lot of new beginnings, aspirations, hopes, dreams, etc. to look forward to. Try get some more sleep, if you could. Gracias.
I was contemplating about my appearance in shower a few months ago because of my Leontiasis condition is progressing when suddenly my pelvic joint moved as I was trying to scrub my thigh as if it were dislocated and it went back right up and it scared me.
I said to myself "F@%k my appearance, I want a healthy pelvic bone joints."
Take care of yourself @surpassinggoogle steemit community needs you.
Hahaha bro. It is true. I didn't know of its importance but gosh, i can function like a normal human becasue of this pelvis issue. It is an issue. I will fix it gradually. Stay awesome bro and strong and stay confident. FEEL IT. There will be good times. Jehovah bless us in Jesus' name. Stay awesome
Hi friend, thanks for the great post. You are wonderful Specialy I like your decision to dedicate your steemit journey to your mom. It's a very honored to every mom of the world, you are a very good son, who has such love and respect for his mother. I had sent you my regards to your beloved mom at her departure. I prey to god for her great soul. Please be careful with your problem with pelvis, you are so genius I am very happy that you can overcome with it. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lesson about business and everyday life. Wish you a very beautiful time ahead friend.
Thank you for all the love here maya. I felt it while reading and about my mama too. Regards to Rahul
It's my pleasure to have your attention friend.Your are really good and genius enough to make everything better and perfect. I wish you good luck good health and happiness in life.
Our mind is powerful! I'm a believer of the "Law of Attraction"... When you strongly believe, it will happen. But of course, you need to put in effort and sacrifice, too. You might have a shattered pelvis, but you have a strong mind, a strong heart and a very strong God.
Thanks for another awe-inspiring post sir Terry!
Thank you switie. I love your constant growth
You're always welcome sir Terry... And I should thank you and everyone else who have helped me grow in this platform... <3 Super thank you for the love and constant support! :)
You are welcome
hmmm, this is amazing bro.
everyone has a story to tell, challenges is that part of life you can't escape because it makes you become stronger if you eventually overcome it, your story seems to resemble mine which I will soon pen it here on steemit.
one part of your story interest me most:
this is @mike4christ you're talking to there.
you know, they is how you know yourself(strength and ability) despite that something keeps making you go against yourself, in this case, you either fight it or you flight from it, if you fight it, you will surely win it but if you flight from it(succum to it), there you become a victim(they win) but one thinf is sure and important always be flexible by adjusting to circumstances to feet the present need and quickly remember to still return to whom you really are
thanks for sharing boss
All applied. Thank you for tipping in giantly. Stay awesome bro
Am always humbled for your great influence and love to us all in this community, I do learn daily from your posts.
You've always had a CEO mindset, what you referred to as CEOism
It doesn't matter where we are now, its where we see ourselves tomorrow that matters.
You knew you weren't gonna work for long, you knew you are a boss in the making, going by the way you went around to post on steemit, its not a surprise you are where you are today, it would have been a surprise if you aren't there.Hello @surpassinggoogle
I never knew about whales before I join steemit, but now that I'm here, I cannot settle for anything less. I know one day, an upvote from @samiwhyte will worth over $100, i know someday, i will have my dream community, which i can impact daily.
I may not be a whale now, but I know how my little $0.04 upvote at 100% is touching life. I'm already a whale in the making, It may look very far, but I can see myself there already.
Yes it is touching lives. These steem tokens are not fiat and those who know know and gather it however small. Overall it is the act that can be seen as massive from an awesome being. As for you as whale, you will accomplish that. For the first time, this is not fiat world. Possibilities exist and your presence is key. Many people miss out on that aspect of steemit. Who knew 100 sbd will be more 1000 usd days ago. And there was once on steemit, months ago, where btc went back to cents for some seconds or minutes and the updates were here. As minnow, i didn't getting earnings. I got more of opportunities and that is cos among other things, i was present. Jehovah bless us all in Jesus name amen
Steem token aren't fiat, beyond it comes lots of opportunities
We can only enjoy these possibilities through our presence.You are right @surpassinggoogle
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.” —Walt Whitman
Always keep smilling Terry!Dear @surpassinggoogle hope you're doing great. I'm very very grateful that you supported me in my last comment on your previous post. Here is a small gift in the shape of Quote for you, and I really want your feedback on it:
I wont say much about the quote except that it is very sweet and speaks of hope, positivity and breakthrough. Too of things i spoke about in my post, to shine and things will pave way, even the odds. I will try smiling, I don't get to smile much. Thank you for the loving though and effort in finding me a quote. Stay awesome
You are wonderful and you are such good son, that's why it's so great to learn more about you!
Thanks a lot for the encouragement, the motivational words and for your support!Dear @surpassinggoogle, it's again a great your article, as usual! Thanks for sharing!
Please take care of yourself, I wish you health and happiness!
And have a beautiful time ahead!
Thank you for all the love and care and feelings, you put into this comment all for me. Thank you
Hi sir terry, read the post and was able to relate to it but your story is much better. I also tried applying to a Business processing Outsourcing. Also dreamed to become a Site director. One of our trainers ask me on how do I see myself 5yrs from and my reply is becoming Site Dir. Unfortunately, Im almost 10 yrs in the company but was not able to attain it.
I also have lower back pains and for mine it's because of weight, positioning and injury during a basketball game way back college. But mine is manageable and I cant imagine having the 24/7 pain. I hope you will be fine.
Im sure you will be okay.
I hope i will be fine. Get better as well. If you want it, you will have your own company. It is now ever more possible on the steem blockchain. Start to look in the direction
Yes you are correct. Still learning that.
Thank you for the tip. ;)
By the way everything is possible just look up someone is listening.
My self-worth and confidence, i have allowed to stay intact. These phrase ,the words SELF-WORTH and CONFIDENCE is all I need to fullfill my 2018 journey. I'm planning to teach @surpassinggoogle, hope I'll pass all the required compentencies. Inspiring blog as always, stay awesome.
Have a good one
Yes i know switie. I owe you chat. We have got to work on that. Steemit will help too. If its your desire to teach, you shall teach whether it be Maths or Physics or Chemistry. I still owe you chat. Will visit with you in chat soon
Yeah, I need to. If I passed , does it mean it is my calling to be a teacher ? Hehe. I really need to study again and again. Yes, I'll accept whatever subject it is. I struggle harder until I meet my goals.
Glad to see you are taking steps to better battle your struggles!
It is an interesting thought how much would you be willing to sacrifice to get somewhere in life. I’ve seen far too many get what they want in life and realize it was not worth the cost to achieve it in the first place.
I’ve never really been an “I want to be first.” I’m more than happy with second and third place. Still a great accomplishment. There comes to a point where diminishing returns makes it at least for me not worthwhile.
I always try and move around a lot since I sit for far too many hours a day. I will admit I often forget to get up and stretch. I endlessly have to remind myself to do just that. I can’t wait for warmer months when I get go swimming outdoors!
Thank you for sharing a part of your life. Keep strong and have a great weekend.
Yes, it all makes no sense. But i do this on behalf of most of the world. Many await me. All the pursuit apart from this makes no sense. I left my parents for 5 years and lost life in this period, so that the next time i see them, i can bring them whispers of goodnews, then i saw my mum after all, after almost 5 years only for 16 days to watch her die and my dad got dementia to top his glaucoma in this period. In my case, i do all i do with hopes that it helps others. Plus, i don't pursue these things or life accomplishment. These things will only end up coming around as dividend of all these struggles. This suffering just have to have essence. It is too much.
Hi @surpassinggoogle, I never knew that you are that good at writing humor. This made me laugh:
You're a champion bro:
Whenever you get overwhelmed by pain and suffering, feel free to talk to me. You are a fighter and fighters never submit to life. Remember my friend, life has got no meaning until we give it some meaning. So, whenever you feel like there is nothing left in for you, create something that gives your life a new meaning. I'm bit sad while reading these lines. Two emotions exactly opposite to each other in two passages, strange isn't it? And trust me I don't suffer from bipolar personality.
You have been missing you father and now you miss him more after your mother has passed. This is natural. Whosoever takes birth must die one day. The task is not done if we die without doing anything that eases the lives of others. This is not a responsibility rather we do it voluntarily exactly the way you're doing. You're leader for many here like me. I want to see you happy in your life.
Happy Steeming!
We are the one who gives life meaning, without our definition, life has no meaning
Life will be meaningless at dead if we haven't impacted the life of others while we were here
Hi Terry, I have almost forgotten how much i enjoy your blog.
i really always enjoy it.
i have been unable to visit other blogs for a while now, i have been terribly busy at school but just find time once in a while to post as blogging is part of me and i also need the money to sustain me in school..lol
I do hope you are fine and getting better.
as usual, this inspired me, though i am in no shape for taking heavy steps, i am really at one of my lows.. I kinda just numbed out and have been reading for school but then i will still carry your words with me and the lesson of daring to be different, to be out of the box in my thinking.
thank you Terry and i hope your pelvis gets better
I miss you and your presence here but another truth is, i have not been as productive and active lately. Since my mum died, i have been struggling but pushing. The new year will hold amazing things. For now, i am trying to end this year strong still. I numbed out too in many regards. I am here still though. Be strong and do school and when you tire out, allow it a bit, come here and gain strength. Pray to Jehovah too and be ever fortified. Life is something else! May Jehovah soothe our hearts
I know it couldnt have been easy at all. Losing anyone is heartbreaking talkless of a mother. I am so glad you are pushing still. And i am also really glad you are here cos you inspire so many people.
I have no choice too. Cnt be explaining that i flunked law school cos i was down so i just have to.. Life is indeed filled with a lot..
He will help us, in the end he is our supreme strength.
I hope you can fix your pain Terry. I never knew you had this 24/7 pain. Hopefully this rehabilitation will help.
Thank you bro. I do. There will be good times. Thank you for love and empathy
It's an amazing story Terry. It was thrilling from the very beginning til end.. Wishing all the healing for all your health issues.. You are still young and am sure with all the gym efforts you are making, you will improve. Here's to your health....Cheers!
hAHAHA thank you for reading thru. It was developed from nothing. I struggling currently from post ideas but i care, so i dig and develop the post to make it conversational and with love. I am glad you were able to read through. Yes, i can recover. Those gym stuff is hard. Hahaha really hard. I prefer outright play, so i may resume some play
You can turn the other cheek and then receive a hot slap! Lol @surpassinggoogle....... That is how hard it is for you to surpass google but success and yes everyone if others could.
Yes, it is that hard in this part of the world
One thing I know is that when you are upto something madly, you get it madly once you get it. @surpassinggoogle am becoming your number one fan.
Thank you for the privilege
Your welcome my champion as we shall get the best from ourselves. The most important thing is to have a team and the teammates to believe you.
I am very glad that I read your post, you post very little, but the post that is very important, I do not understand everything, but I understand the extent to which I have benefited a lot. Thanks for the nice post. @surpassinggoogle
Thank you for putting effort and trying to read it and putting effort in commenting. It is valuable, even inspiring, so dont doubt the power of your selfless effort and keep it up. Stay awesome!
thanks for this compliment, sorry to see, may i resteem this post? @surpassinggoogle
For sure
thank you so much , resteem done. please check my profile. @surpassinggoogle
Wow! Thanks so much for the encouragement, even though it is out of pain, you are getting over it. You have just done a great deal to me. I had always believe right from my first day on steemit that I will become a whale. And I asked in one of your recent posts where you request question. "How best can I become a whale on steemit" I asked. If you can answer the question here, I will be glad. Thanks so much
I believe i will answer it. I am thinking it two posts before this one. I will get to it. I am slow in productivity this period but i am getting to them gradually
Thanks so much for your time and support. I appreciate your kind gestures.
I wishing you for success your future goals also need your attention to steemit in future.I'm so excited read your interesting story @surpassinggoogle. I don't want to steemit whale. You already giving whale service to us. You steemit in with grand heart, strong mind and successful wisdom. Your challenger tasks all appreciate me. You was recovery your life very soon. Then I can think how about your mind.
Hahaha sweet effort. Thank you for the comment
The future of steemit is very big
@surpassinggoogle can't do it alone when we hit the future That's why we need more whales in the #untalented family
Yeah....I agreed @samiwhyte, All peoples need to do any tasks together without against each others.
Togetherness is what will stand
Thank you for giving us very good advice. I am very sure you are a very kind person. You always make a very useful post and very interesting to read, Although sometimes I have little mistake in translating a language that is not my language in everyday. May always be successful for you @surpassinggoogle.
It is okay. The more you spend time on steemit, the more your English abilities will improve. I am so glad at the effort you put in this comment. Always visit!
Yeah right as you say. I have tried and of course I get more knowledge about the language. I always try to give the best for steemit. Trying to display the original work from my own hard work. I am very confident that you will pay attention to those who really show original work and not destroy this splendid place of sharing. Thank you for your support and hopefully you are healthy and happy wherever you are.
That beautiful effort will pay off
Yes I strongly agree with the words - short words but full of motivation from you. I am very excited here.
Dear @surpassingoogle, you are such in inspiring man that i know here in Philippines. You have showed to us how strong your faith to JEHOVAH. Jehovah is our strength. Keep your faith strong. This is your friend @sorenkierkegaard
by the way, today i have an inspiring day because of this check it out bro. TERRY. https://steemit.com/photography/@sorenkierkegaard/inspiration-all-of-me-covered-by-street-man
Jehovah is everything. Will visit. Thank you for visiting
Great advice you posted here @surpassingggogle. Its very important for me. I totally agree with you and finally you have handsome photography sharing. Stay blessed dr. Always be in good healthy and be cool of mind. There are more genius peoples being. You're really honorable person in steemit platform. Also sharing your past life experience. Past is gold. Don't forget our past history anytime anywhere. Must be remember. Then you nicely succeed currently because you had powerful mind. Peoples try to do their best.
Thank you for your effort in this comment. I grasped all your points. Keep it up
Absolutely @surpassinggoogle ...You're welcome
Those who love us because of our appearance, they will never love us unconditionally but rather be just for the time they enjoy our looks. Beauty has a much greater sensitivity and feeling, very few understand the true meaning of it. The most important thing is that if we cannot love ourselves, others will not love us also. Believe in yourself and conquer the world.
Thank you for your words Sir terry. thank you for everything. wishing for your fast recovery.
you are awesome Sir. Godbless you and your family.
Happy christmas Sir.
Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen. Thank you for your heartfelt comment, i know it is heartfelt
Hey focus on your health before your job!!
^ this coming from a person who needed glasses because of PC SCREENS
But really, think of the people who'll miss you when you can't collect the shattered pieces of your pelvis to work meet us online one day. This will leave us sad...
Yes, i am gradually working on that. Thank you for loving care
There's nothing like having a perfect mental picture of what we want and who we want to become in life... From pauper is to Co Ceorism isn't a bad thing, but that definitely has from someone with great foresight...
We really have it within us to be all we can be, do you know that an idea was brooding in me that I am pretty sure is a billion dollar idea and if I can follow through with it I can be all I can ever want to become... It all starts with a great mental picture.
Thanks @surpassinggoogle, your name says a lot of the mental pictures you have of yourself...
Exactly. You can play with that idea here by keeping them in the undertone of your simply post and evolving the idea using unadulterated feedback from a a community of reputable great minds and steemians. I do have multi-million ideas as well and some are played out here. There is steem blockchain where you can eventually bring these ideas to life upon. Infact any idea can be fully run on the steem blockchain. So it takes a lot of foresight even here on steemit to see things that others don't; quick!
Your posts are always educative and entertaining. Guess that's the actual essence.
So sorry about the pelvis... Please manage it well because you need it as a man.
I feel good with the fact that "I'm a whale to you"😂😂😂.
It's obvious you prefer to be intellectually sound that gaining enormous weight. So do I.
Thanks for sharing your story
I'm Tomfreeman!
Hahaha as a man. i have lost that side of me. I love that you spotted all the spottables. Says a hole lot. Stay awesome bro
I hope you don't focus too much on how it COULD sap your life span and focus instead on your bodies amazing ability to heal itself! You do have a great attitude though!
I was diagnosed with "?????" And I'm also working on keeping s good attitude and letting my body heal and trusting in it!
What is the ???? please heal. Yes , i will focus aright too even moreso with this comment. Thank you for awesomeness. What are you doing?
I'm quite sure a tendon or ligament was moved out of place for many years in my shoulder OR my injured rib when I was young healed incorrectly and it eventually influenced my spine and my shoulders , putting them a bit out of balance after so long. The doctors are just like "30? You just look 50 inside" and I tell them something is out of place and I feel it clearly but since they can't find it in scans, they think I'm making it up. My muscles and tendons always feel like hey are pulling on each other, sometimes thing a go numb or Stiff so it sounds hard to move. The Chinese doctor said believe it but often exaggerate the problem to keep me coming in. I've learned a lot about eastern medicine and physical therapy on my own though and I'm working on it, mostly by myself. I've gotten much better than I ever imagined in the beginning and I'm quite sure I'll be at least 95% better some day soon, hopefully by the summer.
What am I doing? Haha I'm asking people what they are doing! I write stories (which I share at steemit) and songs (which I do not...yet). And I teach and translate.
Glad you've taken steps to rehabilitate your "shattered" pelvis again. Health is wealth. Any pain is just pulling us back from our goals. I just realized more after falling sick for more than a week and pain just doesnt go away. It disrupts everything. 😯
Make life miserable than it likes to be. All this will adjust though. Happy times for us all in Jesus' name amen
Very true. Why should we give life the luxury of making us miserable when the power to be otherwise is within us. Stay blessed and keep being a blessing to lots. 😍
Your pelvis broke working hard, it helped to mitigate that your boss seemed loving, dynamic and beautiful. I also broke "something" hard working but my boss was ugly and not very dynamic. hahaha yes, I left it.
I admire your inner strength and vision, you have always CEO. You have managed your life project well and now you are also doing the right thing for your health care.
The gym is very beautiful and the physical activity definitely rejuvenates the body and soul.
I see you more younger now! :)
Younger and not always frowning. But you didn't see my old block. Basketball! Many missed that video.
I saw several pictures of you playing basketball that are on facebook.
I think this helped maximize your growth (size) :)
Hahaha, the last video here has a block, you missed it
I have seen the basketball video of this post. 20 times and I can not find you. Maybe the fast movement.
! Poor me, I'm going blind!
Or is it a video of an older post?
PD: I think you're the great man who jumps and blocks the entrance of the ball!
Shttered pelvis. At first I'm confused. Haha. You're a clever person. Loving your height brother. Wanna play ball? Praying for your pains brother. Hope to see you soon here in the Philippines.
About the whale thingy, thanks for your words. Means a lot to us beginners. Keep supporting us. Thank you!!!
You saw my block? I am always in Manila, so see you soon. You are awesome. It should be known, even to you
Do you play ball? Maybe sometimes we can play! Thanks for the support brother! Peace and blessings to you!
You didn't see the first video?
OH MY GOD I JUST SAW THE VID. WHAT A BLOCK BRO. DID I JUST SEE MUTOMBO? Haha. I wanna definitely play with you. What's ur height again?
Slightly taller than you
Hahaha. Define slight? I'm 6 flat.
This is a picture last week when me and my friends play ball on our province.https://steemit.com/sportsphotography/@tentalavera/ball-is-life
Yeahh I love this article and I like your personality! I think also if you search for a job and everyone is just the same and cliche, and you are different, you will get noticed.. I never really realized that it was the same on Steemit! Thank you for this lesson!
Sha :)
Hahaha sweetie, it is the same in life in general and anywhere in the world. See you are still in the Philippines. Enjoy it and stay awesome
You are totally right! That's maybe a thing I like here so much. Filipino's are buang and more themself than Dutch people. A lot of them are in for crazy, out of the box things, especially in the remoted area's where people are closer to the natural behaviour. Dutch people and I think also a lot of city people here feel more like being the person who everyone is. Maybe I should just stay here because I feel like home here :)
You have another home here. Stay awesome. With steemit, there is even a ton more people to take care of you when you are here. Jehovah bless you
Thank you! Maybe someday it will be my first home here. My brother got already stuck in Cebu :)
Terry, you are awesome too! A lot of people here on steemit are blessed that we have you here! Salamat po!
Hahaha your Tagalog. I hope for the luxury of being able to travel too and experience some freedom to life. I saw your arrow board high. I face the same things
Hihi I try my best to remember some things but mostly Visaya what they learned me. I saw you on a picture next to a Filipino and noticed already that you are also giant! I'll m not the only one, yay 🎈
I hope you can experience the freedom of travelling too! It is good to travel, especially alone so you have the total freedom, or meeting up with some friends along the way. Maybe you can try Couchsurfing as well! That might be a cool experience!
Thank you so much for resteeming my post and for supporting me!
Many many congrats buddy upon the rise of the frustration and from your dark part of your life .It is indeed very beautiful to go through your post and get inspired from each and every word .You are indeed a live example of glory to those who are in hard situations ,we should give up and hold on there tight to go up and rise .I do believe in that and thanks for sharing your life story which will definitely be of use to me as a motivation :)
Like you said one path leads to another great way !
Thanks for a great post of great words buddy and all the very best so that you can get back well on the pelvis injury !
Thank you very much rehan. Very sweet comment. I drew inspiration
Always welcome buddy !
Keep on going :)
Steem on!
I admire your spirit in all ramifications. Despite your own challenges, you still carried thousands on your shoulders. I quite understand what you are going through as I'm also going through some moments too healthwise. We just have to keep keeping on.
Yes, we keep on. Thank you for spotting all the spottables
Oh, hoping that pelvis issue goes well. I am having some pain at times in that area of mine. Perhaps I need to do more exercise. I admit being sedentary, and I almost forgot about exercise recently. I am quite tired these days as well because it's our visit week. Then I will be busy until next week as my remaining paternal uncle was killed, and going through the tough times at the moment. Hoping to get back with my work out soon. May Jehovah God bless you.
Jehovah bless you in Jesus' name amen. He is the only one that can heal us at this point. I don't even know how to give consolation anymore.
what a great morivational post terry my boy amazing !
Agreed with all your words boy !
Thank you
Hey Terry you have to know so many people needs you, that is why you should kindly get your pelvic fixed.
More exercise, walk around and swimming can help too. But apart from that you are doing well.
Please health comes first am sure by now you figured that out. We would always support you anytime.
Be the best you can be, I love the "you are not a soldier " part, that is an example of a good christian. Well done.
I love your contents and choice of words they are really inspiring...
Yep sweetie. Go gloglo. I miss your presence. Thank you for visiting and bringing your power here. Stay awesome
stay awesome too . Hope to see you bounce back with the pains gone. Cheers.
you did a lot of struggle in life....its very inspiring ...thanx for sharing your life experience with us...i never read so much long article before...i ignore long articles here..but its was very intersting..i was also suffering with problem related to my career...but i'm making money on steemit(just pennies) and i'm happy with that(increasing by the way).....thanx again for such an inspiring article....you are adding value to steemit...
Hahaha visit more often and read my old blog posts too as it will help alot even on steemit. I really feel and care and my posts that take route, becoming conversation and with a flow so that they can be easier to read. Thank you for the effort in reading it and expressing your own testmonies to inspire me in return. Keep those tokens. Those are not pennies. There will be more awesome times for steem in 2018. You are here in the right moments. Perservere, see it as a journey and enjoy the moments; each one
impressive lines.Dear @surpassinggoogle, I am extremely miserable to catch wind of your illness, our petitions for you and expectation you will recuperate soon. you have solid hearted and solid personality identity. I think for the mostly steemians including me propelled much from you and take commendable rules from you. I am continually sitting tight for your new post and take in new things from you, and try my best to comment on your post . all the best for you. "Whale and CEO" both are tough job.
Yeah you are right
We've gotten commendable rules from @surpassinggoogle, he has the people at heart, his health will get back to shape soon.
Rules dont cover all scenarios, you dont have to post four times a day, but with CEOism, you will definitely become a whale.
Thank you bro
From an inspiring book i read on HOW to influence people by dane criage, clearly shows that your blaze desire is the sole instrunment to annouce you to the world. Burning all bridges behind you gives you a die Hard motive to succed in all circumstances.
I love you write up man,is so inspiring and powerful.
Thank you very much. Thank you. I like to take the tone of an illiterate "no books" involved. Stay awesome
there is no way a choice we ever be just one alone. Until we start seeing the worth of value which we carry then what we should be able to attain may just exist in our mind alone.
We do need the self belief, to add meaning to our existence. We are what we make ourself become.
Thank you for this.
And for your recovery process, you have not slacked a bit, your choices of colourful place as this is tantamount, its reminds me that life is once and ought to be lived without fears.
You spread motivate words even when you do need motivation, this is peculiar to the selflessness exhibited by Jesus.
We are all lucky to have such an examplary one as you
You hit the nail on the head
what you want is what you become
Self believe is a fuel for your next level
Thank you for loving compliments. Jesus is the perfect example and his Father Jehovah is utmost
hellow @surpassinggoogle.....i think i find a answer of a dabate between @steemibu351 and @ofgridlife.what do you think aboit jesus.whether he is a prophet or almighty god.that was the issue between us.can you tell me your opinion about jesus @surpassinggoogle.i will ever remember you.please @surpassinggoogle
and tell me something about jehovah.so that i can show some more rules in my debate....
This post is everything about motivation and inner strength. Ali once said he was the greatest even before he became one. Now i am practising my autograph even before i become someone to give one and yes, i will be. Sorry about the pains, both about mum and the pelvis. How else would we have been stronger and have a touching testimonies if not for this? Keep getting stronger and better. Really blessed by this in so many ways i can name. Stay blessed. Keep smiling.
Thank you for the awesomeness here and ofcourse love. Didn't know you knew about my mum. Thank you again. Rehearse that signature with all conviction
You are most welcome. Yes...i did the rehearsal today at work already. I can't wait to launch it. Thank you very much.
They say no pain, no gain. And I think you have gained so much, in experience and in life. All I can say just keep going. Someday I will be a whale!
You will be whale for sure. Just keep on present
You should storm the gym bro, Get back into proper shape. Aging while still young is not a good thing and it is caused by so many things including fatigue stress, one should try to rest no matter what, We are not robots nor bots and we can't always expect to over use our body and don't expect something in return. The body is fragile and it will definitely give up to fatigue and stress.
We've always recommended rest for our dear Terry, he promise to start next year which is just days away, i believe with rest added to the exercise, Terry will be cool.
Hahaha yes
Okay. Will work on this with more desire