JUST RECENTLY, May 12th 2017 we heard about this 'Ransomware' affecting 57+ countries globally. I saw that not only banks, transits, and general people but hospitals have been hacked. Imagine if it was you or a family member that needed life saving surgery and they now can not commence the surgery. This type of malicious attack is not new, but the system they deliver it and the complexity is what is changing. Our world is changing. HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF? As a survivalist you need the knowledge not just from the elements like our forefathers but this day in age you need to know vast skills. I will give you my 2 cents
Tip 1. Remember what paper and pen is?
Dont use a computer or cell phone! Seriously how simple is this, got private information you dont want people to have, well dont store it on any electronic device. How many store your bank info, credit card number, home address or even your spouses Saturday night role-play pic? You wont find a nude picture of your great grandpa because they didn't go around texting and sexting, (if you do have a pic, you got issues).
Tip 2. Encrypt
If your the 99% of humans that uses electronics, (the 1% are the Bigfoots and Sasquatches). Than look into encrypting your login, your files and backing up your data. I won't tell you how cause there is tons of sites that will do that, plus I don't need liability and you suing me. (I already had to sell 2 of kidneys). If your reading this than you have been using a PC for awhile and if you haven't learned how to encrypt yet, your watching to many 'fail compilations'. Look around you, see that person beside you or across from you smiling? They don't really like you, they are smiling cause they just hacked your phone and credit card info. Next round of drinks are on you.
Tip 3. Stop using Banks!
Did you know your deposit to banks becomes their property? Yes thats right, even a safety deposit box is not really yours. Don't believe me, ask your bank next time, better yet try to take out all your money out and see if you dont get told to not let the door hit you on the way out. The banks closes, and you got Superman vol 1. in the vault, now what? The grid goes down and you will see a mad rush for people to get there first. Better have a fast bike; what you have a car great, wait in grid lock for 4 hours while they walk by you. If you must use a bank which we all do. Keep only as much need to pay your bills and withdrawal in moderation cash. Where do you keep this cash or how to store wealth? Up to you, but I will detail much more later on.
Yes I know there a ton more things you can do. I am just giving a few suggestions. Your attention may be limited and your already thinking about what to click on next aren't you.
As a survivalist I will be making more posts about serious and dramatic current events. I will explain how I will survive disasters, urban and suburban area. I do not claim to know more than others but in life you can learn something from everyone.
"The most dangerous person is a fool who thinks he knows it all."
I will give my spin on it and sometimes it will make you laugh, sometimes it will make you cry, and sometimes it will make you wonder, 'Wow, who the f#%k is this guy?'
Just remember your ancestors have survived all the perils of life for you to be here this day. Learn to survive, pick up new skills so your great, great, great grand kids can say the same.
P.S. First post ever, never blogged or vlogged but I have clogged things. Never wanted to post my thoughts, till I found this Steemit. So let me know how my article was.
JP Chant, over and out.