What should our life be like?

in #life2 years ago


At some point in life, people can be heard saying, I have lost all hope, I have no more dreams! Does anyone ever really lose hope? Ever run out of dreams? What are dreams and hopes? What we see in sleep is dream and what we want to do in life is real dream and that is called hope.


Does hope ever end? No, it doesn't end. A life without hope is like a desert. Rather, if for some reason an expectation does not come true, we may be broken and depressed for a while. we overcome disappointment but never give up hope. We start having another dream again. We started to feel more hopeful.


People cannot live without dreams, without hope. Crazy people have dreams too, but they are random. Healthy normal people have organized dreams. We all have many dreams and hopes in our lives. Not all dreams come true. Then we get upset.

A weak-minded person may think to himself - 'I will not see the dream again. I will not hope anymore'. Dreaming may decrease. But not quite finished. Dreaming never ends. Does hope ever end?


Why hope the end is not the end? Because people love life. He who gardens flowers or vegetables does it with love. He cares for the flowers in the garden because he loves them with the hope that his garden will be filled with the smiles of flowers.


If you want to make your dreams come true, you have to be careful in fulfilling your dreams. There has to be harmony with one's ability, surroundings etc. I certainly don't expect to go to the moon or become a famous writer like JK Rowling. It's unrealistic. People dream when they sleep and hope when they wake up. Dreams end when you wake up and hope lasts forever.