My Life in Colour - 8 Things That Inspire Happiness

in #life7 years ago

Hi Steemit!

Another day-another article, this time I wanted to show you some of my favourite things and, I hoped that by doing so the colours of these would inspire. Colour is such a powerful tool to evoke emotions and for me, that's exactly what it does. Colours can give me the inspiration to get out of a funk, can empower me to get me out of a depression or sadness and can calm me when I am enraged.

Does colour affect you in any way?

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♥ 12 | I have three sons. One is aged 9, one is aged 11 and my eldest is aged 12. 12 is such a significant number for me as it's his last year as a young lad, next year he's a teen. And subsequently, my middle son will also reach 12 next year. sigh - what's a mum to do. Does anyone have a reverse age spell?

♥ M&M's | This photo was taken on my birthday, I turned 34 and was not all that happy about ageing and, not seeing my sons (they were at their dad's). So.... my resolution was to eat M&M's for breakfast. What a great way to start the 34th year of my life.

♥ York Buildings | We visited York last year and plan to go back again this year. The town is surrounded in culture, history and absolutely beautiful architecture. I mean look at these buildings, these are standard and un-edited.

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♥ Angelfish | My other half @jockery and I love watching the aquariums at the local garden centre. This was one snap I took of what can only be described as a beautiful fish. I find when I am stressed, these fish definitely help to reduce my stress.

♥ Huge Pomegranate | I always look for unusual fruits and vegetables in the supermarkets. On this occasion there was nothing unusual - however - this pomegranate was enormous. I laughed so much about this, it was a really great day where we had walked for miles, went out for lunch and finished it laughing over this fruit.

♥ Tulips | I adore tulips plain-and-simple. I love the colours, the shapes and they last for ages. They really brighten up a mood and a room.

♥ Relax Candle | Candles are my go-to ornament, treat and relaxation product. This was a candle which aimed at relaxing the owner, it contained aromatherapy oils also which is far kinder to the air and your health in comparison to other synthetic candles.

♥ Lemon Tart | Cakes, tarts, doughnuts and sweet pies. Yep I love them all! I also love my little side plates, I have a few varied ones and again when I feel a bit rubbish these little things perk up my mood.

What things make you happy? Comment below and share it with us.

Edit: I have been asked to 'prove' that I am a real person, so here you go Steemit lovelies, this is me, just a quick snap, taken while working - you can also find me offsite on Instagram where I will post my picture with the Steemit badge username is sweetelyseuk

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Love, Elyse

Copyright: All images photographed, taken and owned wholly by myself