Take a look at the above hot dog, how much do you think it cost? If you never been to Hong Kong, I can give you a bit idea of the price level in HK first. I buy the below hot dog from the most common convenience store, which is "7-11" in HK, and it cost me HKD 20(~2.6 USD).
So, what's the answer?
HKD 5(~0.6USD)! And it taste great! Even better than the HKD20 one, since you can add a lot of different sauce on it for free. We all know that the sauce is the soul of the hot dog! Although the HKD 20 one has a piece of cheese. Anyway, it is from hmv in Mong Kok, but seems like you can buy it in Causeway Bay hmv as well. If you still have quota after having all delicious food in HK during your trip, than you might have a try.
5港幣(~18.9台幣)! 而且超好吃,比便利店的還好吃(雖然便利店的有一片芝士),因為你還可以免費加不同配料和醬汁,要知道醬汁可是熱狗的靈魂! 如果你來到香港,嘗片各種美食後還未足夠,那麼你可以嘗嘗。我這熱狗在旺角hmv買的,但銅鑼灣也好像有。
5港币(~4.19人民币)! 而且超好吃,比便利店的还好吃(虽然便利店的有一片芝士),因为你还可以免费加不同配料和酱汁,要知道酱汁可是热狗的灵魂! 如果你来到香港,尝片各种美食後还未足够,那麽你可以尝尝。我这热狗在旺角hmv买的,但铜锣湾也好像有。