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RE: So Does This Mean We're Pals?

in #life6 years ago

Yes, what you see on the steemit front end is in addition to the PALcoin you'll receive. But be aware, we just launched today so as distribution happens, and the claimdrop is released and utilized, that number may fluctuate WILDLY until the pool reaches its equilibrium.

Your point on the art posts are one of the MANY reasons we had when launching this. The platform seemed to be turning its back on creators in favor of dapp developers, our hope is this helps revitalize content creation AND encourages people to actually consume the content as curation will be rewarded a bit higher than what you're used to.


Yes they did indeed favor development, all while turning their backs on those who would have actually used the apps. A fine way to shoot oneself directly in the foot. I'm all for the encouragement of content consumption and offering a higher percentage to curators, as I stated in this post from a couple of days ago:

I'm not sure if you caught that one, but it's a good read.