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RE: Fluoride & other toxins in our Municipal water supplies are poisoning you. They are full of toxins and crap. Here's some VISUAL proof. Is YOUR water supply polluted similarly?

in #life8 years ago

I grew up with spring water. We use non-fluoride toothpaste, but I DO worry about it here in our water supply. We've got a little one who drinks a lot of water. Is there anything we can do to protect her besides getting a reverse osmosis machine? I saw the part of your post about building your own for cheap, but am not confident in my abilities to do that...


Yes, the Zero Water filters are awesome. a little pricey and hard to find replacement filters locally but you can order from amazon. . It comes with a water tester. Just remember when you filter, you also lose a lots of the necessary minerals, so best to go to health food store or order on line some good organic mineral drops to add to it. Or eat a variety of organic fruits, veggies, meats, etc. If your water is too acidic. just add a pinch of bacon soda to your water. I also grew up drinking spring water and my grandmothers well water..sure miss it.

Great info!! Thanks so much!!

You are most welcome sylviategan.

Proper iodine levels and selenium supplementation will help you cleans and detox.

Definitely look up fluoride detox regimens.

Thank you!! I will do that!!

NP sister, have a good one!