Growing up in a former communist country, I can relate to a lot of points from this post. Food was scarce, the clothes we wore were baggy so it would fit us for years and when we did not have money for gum, we would eat acacia leaves because they tasted sweet just like gum. My grandfather had to steal a jar of marmalade because I did not know the taste of it.
Years of hard work has brought me and my family a somewhat stable income. Luck? I would like to think it was just plain hard work.
Nowadays I can afford to travel and buy gum and bread and 20 jars of jam. And I give a lot of what I buy because someone out there needs it more. I think I learned this when I was a kid and I shared my food with a mouse we found in our kitchen because I knew he also needed to eat.
For me, it's easier now because I have also changed my mentality, not so much for my parents who still have the fear in their bones. I sometimes do too, but it hits me mostly at night when anxiety is at its peak.
I am glad you shared this... So many people have gone through similar experiences but rarely is there a time to talk about it. You can pass someone on the street (or the internet) without even realizing it.
The collection of comments, just like yours, is nice to read. It shows that many of us who went through hard times did better, and appreciate where we came from. I find people like us don't judge or stomp on people because we know what it is like to have disadvantaged times in our life. We'd never cause harm to another person willingly.
Thanks again.