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RE: The Irony Of Life - Where Does Your Satisfaction Lie.

in #life7 years ago

@xpency thanks for this post. I felt soul filling peace while reading.

We actually run after the things we think will bring us happiness. While we neglect true happiness.

It's just like the air, it's around, but we don't pay attention to it. We unconsciously depend on it, but we pay no attention to it. When we start drowning, or the air ceases, we gasp for air, that's when it becomes so important.

Don't let it get to the extreme before prioritizing what gives life meaning.

Hustle is truly overrated.

Happiness is too underrated.

I wrote a post similar to this today also, because I must tell you we, this present generation is misplacing priorities.

At the end of our lives, will we be filled with regrets, or be excited we made ourselves happy and brought happiness to the people that mattered the most to us.

Don't die, or let them die before you realize how much they meant to you.

Thanks boss.


You actually said some words here, I wish a lot of people understand this.