It has been said, that a ship leaving harbour doesnt guarantee its success.
In life,we are more focused on getting the ship to set sail than to know where we are going.
We compare ourselves too much and just want to get something going even if its not what we want.
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Its good to test the waters, to fill your lungs with the wild air, but without a destination in mind, you are just another ship wreck waiting to happen.
Life isnt perfect and there is no perfrct timing for a launch.
But when you know what you want, you directly know what you don't want.
Have you ever felt hungry, but when i bring ou spoilt food, and good food, you know which one to pick.
When you have what you want in mind, even if you dont know how to get there, along the journey, various opportunities will visit you. But you will be able to say which will take you where you're going and which won't. But if you don't know what you want, different tides will sweep you all around.
In life, whatever success you want to achieve, starts from a single point which is set a goal.
A goal isnt a wish, it is a strategic plan to get you what you want.
I want 100k isnt a goal if there is no time frame attached and if there is no plan kn how to go about it.
To acquire the life you want, you have to plan towards it.
The human mind is the least uncharted world in existence.
The intelligent folks are said to utilize just a fraction of less than 10% of their brain. Imagine what we can achieve if we explore our minds.
The power of constructive imaginations is key in goal setting.
Don't push yourself too hard, but equally, don't lazy in your comfort zone.
Whether health, fitness, financial, relationship, spirituality, every area of your life needs goal setting.
A man who doesn't know what he stabds for, will fall for everythung he is told to stand for.
Your life is ahead of you. The vision is scary, if you can achieve it at once, it won't be a dream. Keep it in mind and work towards what you desire.
You are limitless, you can achieve anything you commit your mind to!
You're right about the comparison, if only we stop comparing ourselves to others and just live the life we truly want.
Yes sister. Our paths are uniquely different. Until we learn our individuality.
A goal with out a time frame is just another wish. You made it clear.
When a man said he will get married next year he is just joking unles he states the particular date and works towards it.
Greatness is simply achieved by setting goals per day and ensuring that it is met at the end of the day