It is never possible for a person to live alone. His life depends mainly on how he interact with the people around him. Humans were designed to be with the company of others and get along with others. Basically, we have one to five persons we call “bestfriend/s” that surrounds us and is always there for us. The challenge now is to know whether that person is worth keeping for life or not.
Here are five (5) basic signs to tell if you are in bad company or not:
- He/she only sees the bad in you.
Friends like this are the worst one. Everything you do, whether good or not, whether it is in good intention, everything is useless. It becomes useless because their minds are already programmed to hate you for what you do and still, they declare themselves as a true friend.

- Shows enviousness and jealousness towards you
You should avoid this kind of “friend”. You do not know where this person brings you. He/she just know how to destroy you and bring you down because they think you are better than them. They hate the idea that you are good at something they are not good at. It irritates them and most probably, hate you for being like that. Weird right?

- They lack care about your feelings
Friends like this is a total no. Well, a person sometimes tend to be so emotional because something is bothering him. If they doesn’t care about you or what you feel, how can someone be a good friend and be with your side? They tend to become heartless and their advice would not fit to what situation you are in. They think you are always okay and they feel that they are not responsible for your feelings. You should be cautious enough to be with this kind of friends.

- Uses you for their own gain
You must be aware that this kind of “friends” actually exist. They are toxic because the fact that they are just using you for their advantage, they doesn’t care about you as a person. What they care the most is your use to them, and if you are not useful enough, then you become a stranger for them.

- They think lowly of you
Yes, this kind of “friend” exist. This type of friend will tear your heart into pieces because of the mind-set they have. They believe that you are a person with no importance at all. They will only and most probably use you for their own sake. For them, you are on the different side and you are on the lower level. This kind of “friend” must be avoided because you will only suffer.

The significance of these tips is to help you acknowledge the threats that are behind you if you are with this kind of “friend/s”. Your destiny lies in your hands. As you hold your life, you must choose the right persons that is worth keeping and worth celebrating with in your future success.
Great post, your story about friendship it relates to my personal life about friend too.
Well, it is already expected since it cannot be helped. There is always that one friend that qualifies to the lists. Hehe thank you so much @steemitjean :)