Breastplate of Righteousness
Day 6 The word VOW
Vest = We have an armor of God, that protects our hearts from the enemy, it’s called the breastplate of righteousness. A famous cliché, beware to offend the heart. To really understand this statement is more than meets the mind. Whenever we are offended by people, we automatically think of ourselves. However, it is the opposite; those who offends us are locked in like in a prison bars that are difficult to bring down. Actually, they are offending themselves and they are hurting more than us. When we are in the right position of peace, we are in places of power to rule and nothing around our environment bother us. We know that there is no peace for the wicked. Our duty is to pray and bless for that person, to be released from bondage or stronghold. The reason people have a tendency to offend others is that they are offended themselves. Peace is a priceless commodity and not everybody truly possess it. Seek the Prince of Peace, Jesus!
Own = Egypt oppressed the children of Israel for 400 years. Their mentality is for the Egyptian to tell them what to do, how things are done and basically is a type of communism. The difference between liberty and freedom: Liberty allows us to move around and create and own a business. Freedom allows us to move around, but we do not own anything. We are removing the Egypt mentality because we give them the power to take responsibility for us. We are to own and take responsibility for ourselves so we can take care of those that are under us and teach them to take responsibility as well. Why not enter into the kingdom of God to have both liberty and freedom. Where we are from, we are wealthy and rich and walk on the street of gold. However, in this world we are limited and not as rich. Today, most people do not own a home because we are taught to rent. Perhaps the bank took the house like the Ponzi scheme in 2008. Take responsibility for all our actions and we will reap a harvest of goodness. Be free from the slave mentality!
Water = The word of Jesus washes and cleanses us from the world’s contamination and pollution. When the world defiles us, our words and deeds are not part of the kingdom of God. Actually, it is the opposite. It is all about them and see how great they are. We are one body with one Lord (owner). If you are not successful, then I am not successful. My desire is to see others excel and be greater than me. We are valuable and our worth is beyond the price that money can offer. True vision is not personal benefits, but to benefit others so we can function smoothly and peacefully. For example, we want to own a house, this is called ambition not a vision. The concept of our greatness and empowerment is very difficult to grasp for people who only care for themselves. We must value and honor others to accomplish the growth of the kingdom of God. No man is an island to himself. Wash others with the truth and favor of God's words and see our life flourish. Be gracious!
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