Curiosities of the semen that you did not know existed come and I tell you.
It is a thick, whitish fluid that contains sperm; These are generated in the male reproductive system, mainly the prostate and testicles, and are expelled at the time of ejaculation.Already understanding what semen is, let's begin.

1the consumption of this orally contributes to the female hair is brighter more healthy character of any aesthetic problem.
2 the semen also contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin since it has properties that when applied to the skin nourish it and hydrate it is a secret of beauty that Cleopatra used for years.
3 This fluid is a potent multivitamin because it contains several properties such as calcium, fructose, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin b12, zinc, and magnesium. The secret of its effectiveness is that it must be swallowed quickly so that its derivatives are not oxidized and lose its effectiveness.
4 a curiosity is that there is a recipe book for cooking with semen seasoning.
5 this component also contributes to the mood of the couple because the oxytocin that is implicit in it contributes to the mood of the people.
6 Some studies have revealed that nausea seizures caused by pregnancy in the first trimester can be controlled with the consumption of semen from the parent.
7 it is also said that the consumption of this fluid contributes to the discomforts of gastric ulcers that cause so much discomfort in people.
I hope that you will be very helpful with this information, I invite you to follow our publications where we will be guiding and publishing our section of steemitconfections that I already started and promises to be well entertained. </ div>
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