What a lovely start to my day. As a plumber and heating engineer myself I can only agree that it is hard to find a good tradesman. I have met far to many on the other side. In the end it makes good business sense as well. Happy customers are return customers and also tell their friends. It's all a big circle!
I can tell you are one of those good tradesman @talltuk! Thank you for being one of the good guys. You would think that people want to operate a business with their client's good interest in mind..afterall, as you stated, it makes good business sense. Unfortunately, many are just out there to make that buck.
I am happy to continue leaving that sign in our yard because it really is hard to find a good tradesman. As you can see, many (like I did) just turn to the well-known companies, and they don't always have the customer's best interest at heart.
I hope you have a beautiful day! I'm sure you will help many people resolve their issues and avoid the headache of a clogged septic or heating system failure. I read somewhere that somewhere in Massachusetts, there is actually a shortage of plumbers! The city was willing to pay someone to relocate to the small town and be the designated plumber. It was an interesting tidbit of information. :)