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RE: Loss

in #life3 years ago

Excellent, thanks! I finished the last episode a while back and am still disgruntled that it ended lol. I can't bring myself to start the new series as it feels sort of like a betrayal and honestly, I am not sure it can compare with the original. Who knows, it might be even better!


I feel all those things. If it's shit I will be gutted is it's great it will feel wrong to have betrayed Ragnar and all his sons! Although Ragnar was by far the best!

Yes! Let's hope the new has as much badassery as the first. I will settle in to watch over the winter assuming I am over my hissy fit lol

The trailer has a lot of axe'ery. There was bits flying everywhere!

It's practically winter here now. Brrrr!!

Time to tuck in then hahaa. Still in the hot times here but a couple of mornings were almost pleasant. Don't tell me any plot twists when you start watching, just whether it is good or not LOL

I will be very careful! I hate it when people give stuff away!