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RE: Are we raising a generation of idiots?

in #life7 years ago

We only got a computer in our house when i was 5 years old and I am really not old. I miss the times withou so much technology.

Our children are being opened up to so much bad and are made aware of to much of the things that had to be kept private. Some parents just raise their hands in the air and gave up, but that is the worst thing that could happen. (And we live in a farming community)

I love planning holidays to places where we have no signal at all. So we as a family can truly reconnect during the holiday. We always read books, play board games and mainly sit and talk about the things that matter.


It is wonderful to do all those things but when kids grow up they are so into themselves and it makes it difficult. We used to spent time playing cards etc and we had so much fun on our holidays and now kids are always just bored. It really irritates me so

Then I am going to enjoy the times we have now to the fullest.