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RE: Emotion vs Logic: This Town Is Big Enough for the Both of Us.

in #life8 years ago

One thing that many people do not consider is there own limited view of their own potential. A person that thinks they are ultimately logical often limits themselves because they fail to fulfil their potential as to do so in a social environment requires cooperation and trust. To gain these usually takes some level of emotional awareness, which they may lack as they deem it an inferior skill and therefore not logical to invest in. Curiously, the true logician would realise this blindness and counteract it by developing their understanding of the emotional side. Even if they themselves do not use it in their own decision making, ignoring the fact that some do is risky. It is only logical.
Transversly, the truly emotionally aware person would have to be able to recognise the lack of emotion in the other and therefore to garner support, cooperation and trust from the logician would require an understanding of hiw to logically appriach them.
Hence, for effectiveness, both need a sound understanding of the other, regardless of whether they choose to apply it in their own decision making.


I agree 100%. Working together is the key.