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RE: Golden Beast & Killer Crab Beers!

in #life7 years ago

You have kind of a Beer cult...Few years ago aftee we went in a winery and tried about 11 different sorts of wine and 2 types of brandy, I stopped drinking, because I drank enough for few lives back and forward...The same with smoking...after I smoked so many ciggarets without filter...
And now I would gladly stick to those alchool free beers...You mentioned before...🤓Actually, in that video I was trying to see which books do You have there ?


I remember I smoked like a chimney! I stopped that too. I do like wine and beer though. Not sure if I could give them up.

So many books!! Not all of them mine :O)

I get it..I stopped because I got so sick and always when I remember that I have traumas...😥
Actually, first I quitted meat & fish eating...🤔

Goodness me! No alcohol, smoking or meat or fish?? You must be very healthy!

Probably, I look myself quite 🤔healthy...
Anyway, when I drank in Prague, I drank Czech Beer but I would never change for "Skopsko" veryyyy goood one...

If you look healthy then you are healthy. Cheers to that!!!