Such an exciting "Event". This reminds me on "Wedding Crashers" the movie. Legendary film. So, this guys were joining the weddings by itself and making good atmosphere there and actually, nobody knew them. Their friend oppositely to them was going on funerals and helping people there cry easilly...Ironical side of Life...We say in our ancient dictionary: "It is not clearly known who drinks and who pays...!"
Well, Claudia the Ridding Master...Ooh, I can imagine that You had bi-dimensional meeting from third type 🤔?
I remember that film ,it was hilarious!
I like that saying, who drinks and who pays... It is very true!
Claudia, oh yes. The scourge of Boomtown!
Boomtown, there is a town named by You...😋? I can beat that there everything is nice, everybody have fun and all the wishes come true...And no funerals...I don't like them. Although Soul is eternal...I don't like obvious fact of dying...😩
By the way, Your eye is getting better ?
My eyes are lots better, thank you for asking! The drops that they gave me are doing the trick.
Yupee for the eyes 🤓
I thought the very same!!