Such a great post a real interesting read
but that skyline in the first shot doesn't look like NY to me are you sure it isn't Singapore?
Such a great post a real interesting read
but that skyline in the first shot doesn't look like NY to me are you sure it isn't Singapore?
Damn -- I hope it not Singapore...:))
I'm pretty sure it is Jersey City just across the river from Manhattan.
Working in Manhattan and I used to live in Jersey city I am fairly confident it's not the Jersey City skyline I think Singapore as it looks similar to a view I saw on a tv show recently
I am pretty sure it is singapore!!
see the link below:,103.8580501,3a,75y,225.84h,102.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5iMdICYkW__UXKBXsJ-HqQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Yes looking at that I would say Singapore.
OOOPS... Now, it's definitely NYC!