Stopped traffic
I wasn't able to capture photos of them on the road as there were cars in front of me. But these geese stopped traffic today on one of the main roads in town and I was able to capture a photo of them after some had safely crossed to the median.
We have lots of geese and ducks here
Geese and Ducks are attracted to the wetlands. You don't have to go far to see them. What is rare is to see them where they were at today. Rarely do they venture onto the main road like that as that area is a little bit away from any bodies of water.
Great to see people stop
It is nice to see people stop to allow them to cross. Humans can be cruel creatures and seeing so many cars stop to allow these animals to cross shows me my faith in the goodness of people isn't misplaced. Most people are over all good who just do messed up things sometimes.
We must not lose faith in humanity, we are part of that group that loves animals and we must transmit that love to others, as you do in this post.