How to NOT DIE from the TOP 3 Leading Causes of Death

in #life7 years ago

What kills humans?

Heart attacks, Cancer, and Western medicine errors are the top 3 leading causes of death in America.

Those 3 things are what you need to avoid. But how? We'll get to that in a second. But listen up:

Sad fact #1: 1 in every 3 people will die of a heart attack in America. Likelihood is same for men and women.

Sad fact #2: 1 in every 2 people will die from cancer in America. Likelihood is slightly greater for men than women.

Sad fact #3: A study released in 2016 found medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease (heart attacks) and cancer.

Alright, enough... how do I NOT die from these things?

Well, since I'm not a medical doctor, I won't give you any medical advice. But here's what I would do:

Educate myself. And get inspired to take action!


Great video Ted Carr and very inspiring to lead the healthy life.

I would like to add one sad fact:

Sad fact #4: Millions of people die each year because of sugar. Suger is the one single consumption that kills most people. Killing way more than for an example alchohol. Even cigarettes cannot claim as many deaths! Sugar is furthermore a rather cheap ingredient which is why its consumption is increasing among people from the below average household incomes.

The good news: You can easily reduce the amount of sugar in your diet by eating less candy and processed foods. And for many people cutting out soda would be a very easy way to greatly reduce suger intake!

Take care of your selves!

I followed you by the way, hope to see many more inspiring videos from you in the future

I've cut out sugar since 2010 but I do regret I have bouts sometimes like a cake or a biscuit but that's justevery now and then

It's very true. If we had cancer, we would likely be the patient of a doctor before being diagnosed. When I hear from those I know--and do not know--about being diagnosed with cancer, I just can't hold myself back anymore. The establishment wants me to be fearful and holdback. I just tell them straight:

"you developed your cancer, and only you can un-develop it! I will help guide you!"

Most people are so horrified of cancer and yet 85 percent of cases are due to their lifestyle.
How to get those people to trust the nature and not the doctors, doctors used to be people who teach how to leave healthier life to not get sick, this day is the opposite most of the time, they just tell you how to get rid of the sickness you already have and sell you medicine...
In my opinion, ​we are part of​ nature, we've build according​ nature's laws, if we go against them, we're going to fail.

enjoyed learning from you on the video about cancer. Fresh new way at looking at it. If only doctors did that. However they would rather drain you of your money and treat the symptom rather than the cause. It is all about MONEY!! Thanks for the post look forward to more from you.

Ted I have been searching for the keys to health for 15 years. I recently found Dr. Morse and as of a week ago became a Fruitarian. I am beginning to heal and I feel better every single day. It is truly amazing. You have my support. We need as many voices as we can echoing this information. Thanks for placing your truth out there and I will be interested in your journey. Thanks,

Great blog! Check out my new post @the.dajboz follow me! :)

Excellent video.

I all 3 in my family, bro :/

btw i keep running into you. Last time was with @courtneywarner ... following now :D

The 3rd in my country is lung disease and I am sure it is from smoking. The gov.t must ban smoking since more damage it is doing than revenue collected from cigarette sales revenues

Great video man.

All this time I thought auto-erotic asphyxiation was the main cause of death

highly informative

Thanks for Sharing

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pls look at my post as well -

Thanks for sharing, so true. I upvoted and resteemed.

Thats why my mom I gave her healthy food to eat and I encourage her to exercise everyday. but sometimes we need to cheat eat a little bit sweets and she loves barbecue I gave her a small portion I told her I cook barbecue on her cheat day :)

Great two really good friends Brian and Chicago Mike just died of cancer and I wish both had seen your video....thank you.