Lately, I've been working on a more positive mindset. I've been listening to Abraham Hicks and practicing positive affirmations and meditating and and and. And yet, for every chunk of money or new opportunity I manifest, I can't seem to hold on to that access to source. I've been trying to stay on my Druid's path, but get down on myself when I go days (ahem weeks) without acknowledging my surroundings. One of my best friends texted me an article about shadow work and how focusing only on the positive affirmations denies your shadow self, which in turn, blocks manifestation.
I'm planning on working through this article here on steemit, in real time, working on the aspect of myself that I deny and shame myself the most over: my procrastination/laziness. But first, I wanted to ask, what are your experiences with manifesting/positive affirmations and/or shadow work? Do you have specific examples of habits or situations, that you can share, that you've changed with shadow work or affirmations?
I normally would eradicate those thoughts from my mind which gives me negative feelings. I do this by thinking that failure are the break towards a bigger success. I have facing negative thoughts for a while. But some mental exercises helped me a lot.
I'll share a "shadow" experience...
Last year I had issues with my left shoulder. I had a bodywork therapist work on it and one day as he worked that area, I issued a sigh that was identical to the sigh I give when I read a "stupid" email from someone at work. And I was like, ah-ha!, there is a physical manifestation of this part of my shadow self, the one that is afraid of everyone thinking it is stupid - that's the part that made me tense up my posture, because part of the allure of my day job is that people don't ever think I'm stupid...
Ok, now how this translates to real world action, I'm still working on... But I will say that once I made the connection between the shadow part and my physical pain, the pain gradually went away after about a year of being there.
Shadow work is an ongoing process! And I think it happens on various levels as well - personal, cultural, etc. Look at what's happening in the USA... some major shadow work going on there!