1 Pay close attention to people's feet: If on approaching two people in the middle of a conversation they turn only their torsos and not their feet, then, they don't want you to join in the conversation. Similarly, if you are conversing with someone who you think is paying attention to you and their torso is turned towards you but their feet points in another direction, they want the conversation to end.
2 Asking people to do you a small favour is a way of getting them to like you. Why?
The brain hates cognitive dissonance; situations where our beliefs and actions don't match. So when a person does something nice for you, the brain decides that you must be a cooler person than it first thought. ( I'm sure you all know that -- Ben Franklin)
3 Chew gum when approaching a situation that makes you nervous, like public speaking. I remember someone analysing it this way : If we are eating, we are basically tricking our brain to come up with the logic that - 'I would not be eating if I were in danger.So I am not in danger'
4 When you are studying or learning something new, attempt teaching a friend about it and give them leeway to ask questions. If you can teach something reasonably well, then you understand it.
5 If you get yourself to be excited and happy about seeing other people, they will have the same reaction to you. It does not always happen the first time, but it will definitely happen next time.
6 Having a warm hand creates a better first impression. Judging people by their handshakes is a cliche, but it's true. So ensure you make a good first impression simply by rubbing your hands together before a handshake, as your palms will be warm, dry and cozy.
7 It has been discovered that psychologically, it is a lot easier to unload your anger on someone physically distant from you. It's sort of awkward turning to rant at someone right beside you. So if you sense a situation getting out of hand, take control by sitting right next to the person. Being close to the person helps keep the anger at bay.
8 Most times, people don't remember their entire conversation with you. But the first and last impression are most definitely going to stick. So it is important to make your last impression just that, impressive.
9 Science has shown that maintaining eye contact just a little longer than most people naturally do increases your charm. One way of practising this is checking the other person's eye colour when you first meet. That extra bit of time it took you to determine the colour of someone's eyes will make you more likable, instantly.
10 Refer to people you've just met by their name. I want to assure you that most people love being referred to by their name, and it hels establish a sense of trust, familiarity and friendship right away.
So there it is fellas, 10 psychological hacks that could change people's take on you and how you see yourself too. I'd like to see you give it a shot, 'it can't hurt, right?'
😉There are still 10 things you've got to read. The next will be up soon!I'm still @tenten
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