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RE: Is That a Small Drone in the Sky? Or Something A Little More "Beefier"?

in #life7 years ago

In other words, Trump will do as he pleases regardless.

Even though i don't like the man very much, he is probably the only politician who isn't with a political correct brainwashed mind atm... he just doesn't give a fuck about anything. And he says something and does it...

Another thing that i should say is that i'm quite amazed that he was able to do so much with the north korea situation... the whole north korea thing is finnaly moving somewhere, in the last decades with all different presidents the situation didn't move anywhere!

Still... he could have been a little more polite sometimes with different people and situations...


Another thing that i should say is that i'm quite amazed that he was able to do so much with the north korea situation... the whole north korea thing is finnaly moving somewhere, in the last decades with all different presidents the situation didn't move anywhere!

I'm so with you, man. He's at the point where he gets shit if he "does" or if he "doesn't". Just because he is direct in his assertions, unlike all the other presidents preceding him, people have declared him the enemy. I'm not one for political correctness. I like to have the right to speak my mind, as I believe most do. Therefore, I'm disappointing with the behaviour of certain groups in the UK opposed to him coming over in such a hostile manner.

And is their anger not classified as a form of extremism?

If i say shit about a president on live TV i can get sued... and here i was thinking i had free speech... Political correctness is the plague of the modern world, the church stopped us from evolving in the dark ages... now it's PC mentality that stops us from evolving!

I love people that are direct to me... i don't like to read between the lines because that way i can never be certain if i'm interpreting a situation in a right way...