What were you expecting from a beer that literally tells you that after you drink it you can't undrink it xD
That Scottish accent kills me every time!
I think I've only drunk 3 different brands of beer my whole life... Sagres, super bock and some Spanish beer named Estrella that tasted like piss and garbage liquid... I actually spent the rest of my holidays drinking absinthe and whiskey instead of that piss beer!
Lol, I really like Estrella!! Hahahhahahha, thats funny.
I was hoping that the name referred to other inferior beers! It does look strangely prophetic now though!
You liked estrella really?? Maybe i got a bad one... have you tried sagres and super bock? portuguese beer is so good
I do like it, really! Its a great beer! I have tried both, I think I like Sagres more than Superbock which is a wee bit rougher!