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RE: Stop Sexually Abusing a 7 years old angel

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately, the Hadith and Shari'a codify that it is good to rape a young girl. The Prophet Muhammad married a six year old girl and raped her (islam may call it "consummation of marriage") at nine years of age. Unfortunately, until Islam undergoes an enlightenment and reformation, much as Christianity underwent, then this culture of atrocity against young girls, women, gays, and non-muslims, will continue to be blessed and sanctioned by Islam's religious leaders. Read the jewish Talmud (the jewish equivalent of Shari'a), and you'll read about similar atrocities, but there was a cultural reformation, and there existed (and still exists) an environment that allows dissenting and moderate views to exist - an environment that currently doesn't exist in the muslim world. Understand what Islam's leaders call "Dar ul-Harb" and "Dar ul-Islam", and you'll understand when and where such atrocities are allowed and encouraged. I am not here to insult Islam or the Prophet (PBUH), but rather to encourage dialogue among moderate muslims (the vast majority) to raise their voices together to demand a reformation and enlightenment. You (readers) either cherish the lives of your most vulnerable and most innocent, or you consider them to be disposable (and believe it's ok to rape, murder, and chop off their little genitals). It's time for you to decide, and it's time for you to take a side.


I am a muslim and being a muslim you have to be brave enough to listen to these kind of arguments and I respect your thinking.

Ya brother, I hope you take the time to slowly read the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Shari'a, word-for-word. Insha'allah, you will find that what I say is not an opinion, but instead, it is recorded fact, for you to see with your own eyes. Unfortunately, most muslims do not even read their holy books, and instead, they depend upon the interpretations of their religious leaders. This gives your religious leaders too much control over their people. Reform and moderation of islam will not come from the religious leaders, because that would make them less powerful. Reform and moderation of Islam will only come from the people, who who have seen the truth by reading the holy books for themselves. Only then, will Islam cease to be a blood-soaked, child-raping death cult. Christianity underwent a moderation and reformation many centuries ago. Give it a try, and your society will experience an incredible renaissance, ya akhiyy.