I have seen a lot of persons saying they want to be like Mr A. We find such scenario when Mr A is definitely doing fine. I must say it is good to always have such a positive mentality but the question is: can you pass through the storm Mr A is passing through or the storm he has passed through.
Dont just think because i put in a good smile, cloth and looks cool that i dont have a bigger challenges/problem. We all have our flaws, setback, problem, tribulation and hard time. The man you wanting to be is just pretending that all is fine because he decided to be strong.
So many people might die of depression if you let them pass through your pain. The world is full of shit, alot of challenges and all that.
Learn to be with what you have, there is someone wanting to be like you with the little you have.
The day i saw a rich man asking for help, i was shocked. I was like he has all, while is he still begging. This has shown that they are things behind the scene, dont just be carried away and start wishing. The person you want to be like, might be wishing to be like you also, who knows?
Be yourself, be cool and be thank full for the life you living.
follow @tfame3865
Most people are living a wrong dream and it is affecting their personalities. Nothing can take me from myself, I can never hide under anyone's shadow