Buying Trust

in #life9 days ago

Speaking of trust yesterday, I paid .5 SOL to some Telegram owner to push my token this morning. He wants 1.5 SOL for the whole deal, whatever that includes for me. And here I am sending another .2 SOL. This must be a gamble on people, one of the harder ones to make in crypto.

I think I'll stop now that's about $100 given away for some buzz. Did I squander gains made on another token to push a second? Only time will tell. On that note though, I'm reading conflicting opinions as always, while trying to keep attention on my projects.

I mean, what is the Banana Singularity?

I don't know but I'm focusing on my decision to choose February's focus. I think I may pick my books or crypto because both seem to be eating a hole in my attention span right now. I want to read my books to make me more valuable in crypto, but crypto itself requires attention and action on a regular basis.

In the middle, I'm squeezed because I'm inconsistent but also because of the conventional wisdom:

A man who chases two rabbits catches none.

Apparently Confucius knew that multitasking would be the end of me. Thankfully, I agree, hence my plan for one project per month. The topic of organizing my thoughts to focus efforts efficiently into projects brings up another great question.

How are your bookmark folders? Mine are long, unorganized and seemingly random. It's like tsundoku.

Funnily enough, I have a bookmark saved that describes the state of my library and my bookmarks.

It is the phenomenon of collecting books but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them. The term also refers to unread books on a bookshelf meant for reading later.