Fun Thoughts about Freedom, Technology, and The Apocalypse

in #life9 years ago (edited)

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We live in amazing times. You look around, you find brilliant writers that didn’t stand a chance a few years back are now publishing their own e-books and selling them with great success. You find excellent filmmakers crowdfunding their projects and bringing their vision to reality. And you find incredibly clever digital architects building revolutionary platforms to bring all of those dreams to reality.

But here’s the crazy part,

You turn on the TV and you find the exact opposite. There is absolutely no shortage of peculiar personalities that seem to be hell-bent on convincing you that technology is the enemy and that the robots are coming, or that the Muslims are coming, or that Ebola is coming…

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So you have to choose wisely what do want to believe.

Maybe we are going to hell in a hand basket at a fast pace, or maybe the guy is a fruit basket and a nut case.

Who knows?

But here’s how I see it. I’m barely in my early thirties and I’ve already survived over ten different imminent Armageddons: 2012, the Mayan calendar, Y2K, the blood moons, Planet X… And this is just off of the top of my head.

The End is Most Definitely NOT Nigh

I would like to argue a case that the quality of life on earth is getting better and not worse, and that everything points that it’s probably going to keep heading that direction.

For instance, during most of recorded human history women were not allowed to join the workforce, hell they weren’t even allowed to choose a spouse for that matter. Until just a couple of centuries ago, women were basically condemned since birth to a dreadful lifetime sentence of conjugal rape… Just because you know, they were born with the wrong genitalea.

They weren’t called the ‘dark ages’ by accident. It’s because the darkness ruled.

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But what happened after the government’s say-so was removed from the equation? What happened when a new paradigm shift came to town and no one was obliged to ask permission to be with the person they love?

The quality of life in this planet immediately skyrocketed. Did it not?

“Baby this love is so great we need to get the government involved! We need to bring lawyers and judges…” - Doug Stanhope.

However, the change was nit as easy as it sounds. When that paradigm shift finally arrived, there were many people who voiced some grave concerns. Concerns that if the women were “allowed” to marry whomever they wanted, or if they were even “allowed” to work, then there would be no more jobs left for men, and then the economy was going to crash, and then we’re all gonna die…

For the sake of the argument, let’s call them “The end is nigh” people. One thing is clear, these people seem to be coming from a place of fear, to them anything new and different is scary and terrifying, and everybody who thinks differently must be a danger and a threat.

It’s hard to be in that situation I imagine, totally consumed by fear, living life in a permanent state of fight or flight.

But here’s the thing, no one should ever “allow” any other person to do whatever they wished to do. Under any excuse!

The end never justifies the means, and your freedom ends when it touches another person’s freedom.

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So a gay couple want to get married? So fucking what? How is that any your business?

Now, I know that one or two of you maybe scrolling down to the comment section to call me “a SWJ” to which I will save you the time and answer with this:

I don’t know what that means! If you mean that I have some Seriously Wonderful Jokes, then in that case: Thank you! All I'm trying to do is to make a point that no one should ever have to ask permission for anything.

No, but God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!

You poor bastard! Here’s the thing, you are not having sex with them, then why is it any of your problem who or what they decide to fuck?

As a straight male, I never understood that phenomena. You would think that if anything, there would be more women for me, right? But no! If we “Let” them gay people marry each other, then there will be no more babies, and goodbye human race!

There’s always a buck to be made from an impending apocalypse, ain’t it?

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The thing is, there is no “we”, there is no “them” and more importantly, there is no “let”. People are free to do whatever they want, and the more we reduce the permission aspects of things, the better it is for everybody.

The Endless Prelude To an Apocalypse.

It’s needless to say that most advances in human history occurred as a consequence of reducing the status-quo’s shackles on several aspects of our very lives.

Take food for example, one of the few elements that are crucial to the survival of the human species along with water, air, fire and Wi-Fi. The five elements.

It’s easy to forget that the minute we gave a goodbye kiss to the government absolute monopoly on agriculture, breakthroughs started happening left and right: Irrigation systems, fertilizers, advanced machinery…

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The fear people however believed that their best idea of agriculture was slavery, and they dreaded the day when “we” were ever going to “let” slaves go free.

They gave all kinds of excuses, that the slaves were not fit to be members of society, that they could not perform any other sort of job, that they were savages, that they would take vengeance in their hands to retaliate against the harms that they suffered…

Oh, and I almost forgot: That the end is nigh.

What actually happened was the exact opposite, before we knew it the number of people involved in agriculture went down from 70 percent to almost 3 percent, with a far greater productivity.

It’s the same thing that happened when the “permission” was removed for women for them to join the work force. Instead of collapsing, the market naturally expanded to adopt the new-comers, and naturally, the quality of life dramatically increased as a consequence.

And contrary to what some people seemed to believe, people did not only NOT go extinct, but the average man started to enjoy a better quality of life than medieval kings.

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Examples of this trend are countless, take that of the printing press for example, and the effects it had on civilization. With the free flow of information, the world not only didn’t end, but a case can be argued that a lot of freedoms and advancement we enjoy today, were a direct consequence of that paradigm shift.

Closing Thoughts

It’s easy to observe that de-centralization is easily, easily the number one liberator of man. In fact maybe we shouldn’t call it the Blockchain as much as the breaker of chains.

Some people are gonna be afraid, but that’s ok. It’s normal, sooner or later they too will join.

They say that with technology we are growing disconnected, maybe we are or maybe we’re getting more connected than ever.

Or maybe it’s all one giant paradox. I don’t know.

Here’s what I know, that technologies is improving our quality of life in ways that we didn’t see before, and sometimes that’s all that some of us need, to appreciate the moment and enjoy the ride.


Bonus points for the Sucker Punch pic. Sometimes I think I'm the only one that loves that movie. lol

Haha! Judging by the upvotes on your comments, it turns out that there's at least 11 more who do :)

Most of 'em are the stalker bots that someone programmed to upvote every damn thing I post. :/

Wow, there are some incredible insights in here. As usual, you've connected a number of seemingly disparate happenings and made some sense of them. You're right; technology is changing things in ways that we can only guess at right now, while also creating these incredible paradoxes. Jobs are disappearing, but opportunities are increasing. We are more decentralized, yet people around the world are closer together than ever before. "Appreciate the moment and enjoy the ride" - indeed!

Thanks! I really appreciate your comment, you know.

And I'm glad and grateful that we have the opportunity to appreciate this moment :)

I think a perfect platform to sell apocalypse t-shirts might be right here. Take a look at this proposal if you have the time Decentralized Steemit Marketplace

Haha, good thought! Great post btw, I stopped by to vote and leave you a small comment that spoiler alert: there's a small déjà vu about the market place :)

Thank you! I appreciate your posts every time I see your name underneath, I know it will be an entertaining read!

Haha, I'm happy! Thank you!

Great are the words that flow from here
The warmth of love the reach of fear
What you have said has touched me deep
As those I see when I sleep
Would the world could hear you sing
Freedom and Peace you would bring
Mind me not for strange I am
but worry not no son of Sam

You're a poet!

The random rhyme from the straining brain
This is fun and so insane
A quick little post that twists and turns
Each slight curve the more one learns
Knowing not what I might say
This is how I choose to play
Your voice is strong and so am drawn
Words have strength beyond mere brawn

psss... your anarchy is showing ;) You made some great points here. Namely, that when government steps out of the way, or never stands in the path to begin with, innovation ensues.

In my research, it appears that things started to go south in America just around the setting of the first regulation of the Railroads. Prior to government, JP morgan and friends were hurting very badly as a result of the little guys being able to offer tickets cheaply. The level of competition had business falling over itself to impress customers and gain loyalty. By using the same fear you referenced above, morgan et al. were able to convince the other group of humans with the guns that the railroads and government should work together... ostensibly for the sake of the consumer. But the result was that the bar was suddenly thrust into the atmosphere where only the giants and magnates could afford to play, and the lack of competition made the railroadeers deaf to their customers feedback. And looking to today, it isn't hard to see what happens when the government becomes a non producing, only taking, partner. You try getting a ticket on a train to California... may as well fly.

The end is nigh people would have you believe that if government wasn't involved, trains and planes wouldn't run. Same with education, and welfare. Before government stepped in, we had a very robust education system. Was it perfect, no. It reminds me of this saying Im about to butcher: "let government raise your children, and in two generations no one will believe you could raise children without government"

Steemit, Crypto, and DAO's is where the future is going, and I'm enjoying this ride.

Yeah, let's just enjoy the ride and go with the flow as the breaker of chains guides us towards Freedom!!!

Absolutely! Great pic! :)

Thank you. ;)

That non-aggression principle is so important...we just need to live that lifestyle through our actions.

That is quite the EXCELLENT post. It also needs to be tagged for #anarchy and #anarchism as this is a great post for those areas as well.

This is so well written I was tempted to go do a search and I could see if it had an existence prior to this. I decided it seems so personal and so well tailored for here, and this place that you must have made it. That increased my respect. Well thought out words, excellent writing, thank you.

Would that my vote were more than the little I can provide you now. I hope to see this one get the love it deserves.

Actually thank you! Thanks for the vote, and the kind words. I'm happy that you liked it!

And of course you can do a search :) There is some talk of plagiarism here so it's only fair. All my stuff I sit down and write it, so it's only my voice :)

Again thank you! The fact the people like my stuff means a lot to me!

I didn't actually bother with the search. It only entered my mind at the beginning because of the quality and thought behind it. As I read further I knew there was no need.

I was just saying... Anyways, thank you!

Of course. I'll be reading more of your stuff. You are a great writer.

Technology is a blessing and curse the same time. On the one hand if improved our life expectancy and communication made the world smaller. Few decades ago it was impossible to contact someone from another continent. Today it's just a mouse click. On the other hand it makes us sick. New deseases are spread and people feel lonelier than before. The amount of likes measures your fame

You're right. But also a case can be made that many things share the same paradox, success can be a blessing and a curse, fame as well...etc. This sis just the beginning and we have to adapt.. At least that's how I see it :)

really enjoy your post, keep it up @the-alien !

Haha. Preview picture pinned to my attention and I took a long look and imagine the apocalypse.
Thx xD

Hahaha It's funny isn't it?

I prefer to think that with each successive stage of electronic/communication revolution, we are moving closer to the planetary brain model.

Planetary brain model? I guess I have to learn more about that!

Another great post by the-alien:-). Upvoted again! Check out my latest post if you'd like to. My diving pictures in Bali:)

Thank you! I will check it out :)

Decentralization means new forms of broad consensys. Anarchy principles are still far, far away, they suppose very high resposibility of every individuum.

In implementing these system there is place for blockchain and smart contracts DAO style. It's worth to consider futarchy principle

I have a curious question if I my? All that I've mentioned was stuff that already happened. And I assume no one wants to go back to slavery, woman opression..etc. So aren't we all anarchists then?

Everybody seems to be picking on that vibe so I'm curious :) It even seems like the dark ages the post is based about are the norm, and the prosperity we have now is the exception.

As I said, I'm here to enjoy the ride!

In XXIII they will see XXI century as The Dark Age if we extrapolate. I agree that we enjoy life as never in history. But I want more!

Government is needed for public goods and infrastructure upkeep and building and perhaps for funding scientific research and the arts. Other than that I agree with you @the-alien and with John Locke as I think he would also agree with you. I quote here from "He argued that people have rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property, that have a foundation independent of the laws of any particular society. Locke used the claim that men are naturally free and equal as part of the justification for understanding legitimate political government as the result of a social contract where people in the state of nature conditionally transfer some of their rights to the government in order to better ensure the stable, comfortable enjoyment of their lives, liberty, and property." As you say, no need to worry about who is fucking who literally but we do need to be worried about not only the government fucking us figuratively by trying to control the rest of us but also big corporations who are trying to also fuck us by their lobbying influences on our government.

I hear you man, big corporations bribing politicians is a definitely a threat, big hotels bribe some politicians to screw airbnb, transportation do the same against uber...ect. And big agra against artisan and organic homemade product..etc.

I just need to say, that this post wasn't about what the gov't is, or what they should do... It was about removing the need of permission to do what you please with your own life. I obviously didn't polish this point enough, and I think it sounded like an anarchic rant, which wasn't what I intended.

All I need to say is that the future doesn't have to be grim, and that we are getting free-er in the larger scheme of things. And that de-centralization is something to look forward too.

That being said, I agree with many things you said. Lobbying especially, I never claimed otherwise, and if it came across that way, that was not intentional.

I do appreciate your comment and the effort you put in it. It's these things that make you grow as a writer, So thank you!

No problem. I wasn't trying to imply that you meant anything in particular regarding government control over our lives or about anarchy, it's just what I see and thought to point out in my comment. I agree with you that we should be able to do what we want without permission from anyone. I did get that. My additional point to yours is that we also shouldn't be made to do anything we don't want to do. Like being forced to purchase health insurance. :)

Exactly! It's your decision, you wanna go to Mexico or China for an operation so it;s your choice, maybe that'll make them lower those prices already :)

I think everything is going to change once sentient robots are built. There's no doubt that will happen eventually, it's just a question of when. If it happens within the next two or three decades then life on Earth is going to become VERY different. No longer will humans be the most intelligent beings here. What that means, nobody can say.